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"I'm ready to go back" Yuta was proud as he said this to Sicheng who was still in doubt.

"Get back into bed, you aren't going" Sicheng pushes the older back a few steps.

The older simply steps forward again and places himself between the sink and his boyfriend.

"I'm going to school with you, whether you like it or not."

He turns on the tap and begins the process of washing his face, pushing the Chinese boy aside, who is growing more annoyed by the minute.

"I just don't want you to get hurt" The younger mumbles which cause Yuta to turn off the tap and turn around once more, water drips from his face.

"I won't get hurt as long as I have you by my side" He smiles as he grabs the younger by the waist, pulling him closer.

Sicheng initiates the kiss.

He doesn't flinch as Yuta picks him up, placing him on the bench space beside the bathroom sink. He wraps his legs around Yuta, doing his best to pull him even closer.

"Sicheng!" His Aunt calls from the hall, interrupting the pair.

"Yes?" Sicheng pulls away from Yuta, but the older continues to leave a trail of kisses down the side of his neck.

The lady continues to say something in Chinese which Yuta doesn't understand at all.

However it seems to require Sicheng's presence as he pushes away the older, sliding off the bench and onto the floor.

He just flashes a smirk at Yuta before leaving the bathroom. The Japanese just shrugs his shoulders and goes to dry his face on the towel.

Sicheng returns after a few minutes, holding a small plastic bag which he hands to the older.

"She got us some snacks for today as she heard it's your first day back" He explains as Yuta examines the contents of the bag.

"I must remember to thank her on our way out" He smiles as he leaves the bathroom, to put the treats in his school bag.

Sicheng finishes up in the bathroom so they grab their bags and head downstairs. Sicheng's Aunt is on the phone and just smiles and waves goodbye to her two 'sons'.

Taeyong was the first to run and pull Yuta into his embrace when the other arrived. He was beyond excited to see his best friend's return.

They had both missed each other dearly, Taeyong not being able to visit as he was busy with getting treatment.

He has news to tell Yuta which he hope won't alarm him too much.

"I've missed you" Taeyong mutters over the younger's shoulder.

"I've missed you more" Yuta tightens the grip on his friend before stepping away.

It brings back instant memories of Doyoung as he looks at the school. He can picture his brother walking through the halls as he usually would, always the centre in his friendship group of five.

This brings Yuta to wondering about how his brothers friends are doing. He hasn't seen or heard from them except from a text message which contained their condolences.

"Where's Jaehyun?" Sicheng asks, bringing Yuta's thoughts back to the present as he notices Jaehyun isn't in his normal position beside Taeyong.

"He's currently undertaking a test for his english class. It will determine if he is fit to travel to America for further study or not." Taeyong frowns slightly as he mentions the foreign country.

"When would he leave?" Yuta questions, his voice quiet as he isn't sure of the reaction he will get from his friend.

"Two months, he'd be gone for up to four years."

"That sucks" Sicheng frowns as he reaches to grab Yuta's hand
"I wouldn't be able to seperate from the one I loved for that long."

Taeyong folds his arms across his chest and looks down for a brief moment. "I wouldn't let him leave alone."

This catches Yuta's attention, "What?"

"I'd go with him, Yuta, the doctors have told me that there is a heart specialist in America who can help me. They told me that I should go there but I just ignored them because I didn't want to leave you here. It makes sense if I go with Jaehyun, they can fix me there, Yuta. Besides you have Sicheng now, so I feel more comfortable with going."

Yuta feels shocked by this information. It's a lot to process. He can't imagine not having Taeyong around for four years. That's a long time.

"Please say something" Taeyong pleads after a minute of silence.

"I want you to be healthy, and if going to America is the only way for that to happen then go" Yuta states, a slight bite to his tone.

"You're angry" The older drops his arms to his sides as he takes a deep breath.

"It's fine, I'm going to be a professional at losing the people who I love before the day I die" Yuta snaps bitterly. "It's been just over a week since I lost my brother and you are telling me that you're leaving me."

"It's not certain just yet, Jaehyun has to pass the test first" Taeyong retorts.

"He will pass with flying colours. It's Jung Jaehyun we're talking about. He's the smartest kid in the entire school."

Sicheng squeezes the orders hand, in attempt to calm him slightly. He doesn't want to watch the two fight.

Yuta isn't emotionally stable enough for them to fight.

"I won't go if it makes you this upset. I won't leave knowing you hate me Yuta. I don't want that" Taeyong shakes his head firmly.

"Don't die because of me, you know that will only make me hate you more" The Japanese says softly.

"I won't die, Yuta...You know what, I'll stay. I won't leave you."

"No" Yuta shakes his head which causes Taeyong to become even more frustrated with him. "Go to America. Get your treatment and get better. Then stay there and live a happy life with Jaehyun. Just don't come back."

"You don't mean that" Sicheng elbows his side.

"No, he does" Taeyong steps in before Yuta can speak again.
"In two months I am going to America, and you don't have to worry about seeing me ever again."

The older snaps harshly before storming off into the school building.


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