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Seeing Jade like this was normal. I mean I had seen her drunk on a regular basis, but for some reason her throwing up just made me upset. The girls had assured me that they felt the same way, it was just because the Luna Queen protection was kicking in. 

Even though it was already the afternoon, Jade was still suffering from morning sickness, which I think safe to say now, was afternoon sickness. The guys had already prevented Damon from breaking the door down and had literally, last I heard, cuffed him to his chair. 

Even though I knew Jade and Damon's relationship was pretty rocky, I know that deeply Damon just wanted what was best for his baby and Jade.

Just saying the word baby makes me cringe. Just because when Jade had told me everything, I had obviously not believed her and then she started full out sobbing and then I knew. Jade fücking Aria Blake does not fücking cry. I had made Tommy drive me all the way to the royal palace only to be pulled into the luna ceremony preparations. 

"Alright let's do the finishing touches on her hair." Victoria ordered and the hair stylists rolled their eyes at her orders and Jade laughed softly. 

She thick eyeliner and mascara on, to outline her eyes. Her lids were dusted with sliver eyeshadow and her skin a tad tanner, which literally made her eyes pop. Her lips were coloured in with a dark red lipstick and her cheekbones were sharp. Her hair was left out loosely with curls pinned at the back of her head. She looked like a proper princess, gorgeous and perfect. 

The hairstylists quickly sprayed her hair and stepped to the side to let Jade out of her seat. 

"Thank you for making me look more amazing than I already look." she said cockily and everyone laughed, the atmosphere obviously less tense. 

"Ready to see your dress?" Jaime asked and Jade nodded. He motioned for someone to come in and they brought in a rack with three dresses on them. One for each ceremony. 

The dress that he brought out to show everyone made everyone gasp. Jade was holding a hand over her mouth in wonder and I could see tears threatening to escape. 

"No crying." I ordered, "You'll ruin your makeup."

"It's beautiful Jaime." she breathed, "Can you design my wedding dress too?"

"Course darling." 

"Oh my god. Can I try it on?" she asked and the tailor pulled the dress off the rack and she stepped behind a make shift curtain to hide from us. 

She took like ten minutes to get into the dress, but I don't blame her. I mean beauty is pain and also time and annoying your best friends.

She stepped out from the curtain and I'm pretty sure that Victoria had to hide the tears about to pour out of her eyes. 

The dress had full length sleeves for modesty, but the sleeves were tight and had a bunch of silver crystals at the cuff of the sleeve, before the crystals spread out to nothing at the top of the sleeves. 

It was an off shoulder dress so the neckline was low enough to flash a bit of cleavage, while showing off Jade's sharp collar bones. The bodice was tight around her skinny waist and she patted her stomach consciously, turning to face the mirror side on to see if she was bloating or even showing yet. 

The skirt was beautiful. It was tight around her waist but loosened up as it flowed to the ground. It looked like a cascading waterfall, with all the small pleats and when she moved, her movements were like water. The skirt was long enough to wear heels that would be covered up by the skirt. 

She wore a simple necklace that had a crystal that fit into the hollow of her throat. She wore all the hoops in her ears, but wore a cascading of crystals on her first piercing. With bits of crystals hanging from little chains. 

"How about she wears her hair up in a high bun." Victoria mused, "To show off the marking ink." 

The stylists looked at her hair and quickly sat Jade down again and did her hair up in a high bun, leaving out pieces of hair to frame her hair. They did braids down the side of her head which looked like .a headband. The bun was fine, just because she the crown would fit just fine on her head.

Crown. Wow. A word I never thought I would use connecting the word to Jade. Jade becoming the Queen of our entire world. Wow. Never thought about that either.

"Beautiful." Jaime clapped his hands together and everyone joined in with him and Jade gave us a curtsey, bending low enough to show us her boobs. 

"I dare you to do that in front of Damon, when you have to bow." I smirked and she rose her brow

"Dare accepted." she laughed, "He'll get to touch anyways."

"Oh honey no." Victoria frowned, "He'll only touch you as the Alpha King. The only time he can touch, touch you, is after the third day. When you two will have to consummate your bond again." 

"Ooh Dare totally accepted." Jade laughed harder, "He'll struggle so much to keep his hands off me." 

"Honey..." Victoria started but she shrugged and laughed with Jade, "You make my son's life hell, just because I can't always do that." 


By six fourty-five all of us girls had gotten ready, with simple colours but dark colours to make Jade stand out from us. There were five of us, so I wore a dark green dress, while Kat and Cam wore dark red dresses, which left Jess and Trinity to wear dark purple dresses. We were Jade's ladies-in-waiting, so to speak.

Scott wore a black tux and he stood next to his sister, giving her a pep talk or something. She still hadn't told him about the baby and I felt for him, because when she did tell him, he would blow his top. 

"Alright ladies, it's time to head down." Victoria spoke up and she looked approvingly at all of us. Our makeup was similar to Jade's, but our hair was let down while her's was up in a bun. "Honey this is the to-be crown, which Damon will replace tonight with the actual Luan Queen crown. Alright?"

"It's beautiful." Jade said with a smile as Victoria placed it on her head and then hair stylists and make up artists popped up and dabbed finishing touches on her face and picked out stray hairs or what not, before we all left the room. 

We had to go first as we were the ones who led Jade out into the grand hall. It was literally like a wedding, basically a wedding to her pack. 

She was still a bit upset about Leon not coming, but Tristan said something about Leon being there with some of his guards and Liam. Said it would be good practice for him to see Scott and might even appease his avenger or whatever to see Jade on Scott's arm.

"Ready baby girl?" he whispered to her and she smiled weakly at him

"Not really." That was the last we heard of her before we started to walk down the isle, our mates coming to take our arms. I led the way up to the stage and I saw Damon watch us with a bored expression on his face, but he smirked slightly at something. Something Ray was probably doing. It was strange. I had known all these people for less than a month and I was already pretty close to them. 

We lined up on Jade's side, leaving a spot for her to stand opposite Damon. The guys stood behind Damon, their arms crossed in front of them. Since Ray was Damon's brother and closest friend, he stood directly behind Damon, while I would stand behind Jade. We got a bit confused when we practiced just because that meant that Tommy had to come escort me first, while Ray had to wait to escort Camilla. We couldn't really do it in order but oh well. 

We stood with our hands clutched together in front of us. Believe it or not, but there is actually etiquette for this kind of this thing. Victoria drilled us for hours, while Jade was getting hair and make up done and even she had heaps of things to remember. 

The doors had closed as soon as we walked in, but then they slammed open with a huge bang, which made everyone looks up and the herald spoke up.

"Jade Aria Blake from la lune montante escorted by her brother Gamma Scott DeMist from la lune montante."

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