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There was something off about Leon from the beginning. Even before he told Jade that there was something wrong with him, I could see the animalistic way he approached the bed. His eyes had already started to have red along the veins around his pupils.

"He looks fine." Tristan watched Leon spar with Liam and he looked at me in confusion, "What am I looking for?"

"He got triggered by Scott's name lsat night and went completely mental." I answered, "Worst part is that he knows that he's out of it and he was so agreeing about you looking at him."

"How is that bad?" he asked

"The Leon I know would have fought hell and back to not talk to you." Jade answered, her hand latching onto my arm, "There's something off about him, but I can't put my finger on it." 

"What did you use Damon's blood for then?" Tristan looked at my hand and I put it up to show him it healed

"Damon's blood should react with Leon's blood, just because Damon has vamp blood. If it doesn't react than Leon has something other than normal wolf blood and witch blood."

"So someone managed to stick vamp blood into him then?" Tristan went back to watching Leon

"They could've. He was out of the house for a few months at your pack training." Jade said

"Nothing could of happened at my pack." Tristan said quickly

"Leon is a creative soul. If he feels trapped he'll find a way out." she smiled softly, "He'll be in and out before you notice." 

"I'll let you know if anything changes." Tristan said, his gaze solely on the twins fighting. It was getting heated, both boys charging angrily at each other, sweat dripping off their bare chests. 

The earth started shaking, while the air speed picked up. A proud smile appeared on Jade's face. "They're learning to control the elements properly." she said

"That's what you call control?" Tristan looked at her weirdly

"When they used to fight, with one angry word, you would have the earth shaking and trees breaking." Jade explained, "Leon's the one with the temper. That's why this worries me." 

She opened one of the glass windows and leaned out, whistling at the boys to stop. They stopped immediately looking up at her. Waving her hands around them in a circle, she chanted a word over and over again until a circle formed around the boys. She snapped her fingers and the circle disappeared. "Keep going." 

With her words, the twins got back at it, attacks fervent but less vigorous. Like all their power had been sucked out.

"What did you do?" Tristan asked

"There's a sealed circle around them." she looked at the ground, before closing the window, "They won't be able to get out, unless someone disturbs the circle. Don't disturb the circle if they're fighting. Liam's angry."

"I thought Leon was angry." I said

"Both of them." she looked up to me with worry in her eyes, "Liam's anger. I can't explain it. Leon's anger is hot like fire, so Liam is basically the ice. When they clash, they can't break each other, but they break everyone around them." 

"They'll be good generals when I'm done with them." Tristan folded his arms across his chest and stared thoughtfully down at the twins

"You be careful with my boys." she told him sternly, "They're all I have left." 

"Is that so?" I asked her, pinching her hip and she jumped at the touch, "I guess I'm not done with you then." 

"Excuse yourselves out then." Tristan raised his brows and I picked Jade up and brought her back to the bedroom. I wasn't done with her just yet.

THE AFTERMATH  ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora