Chapter 2 - She's Staying With Me

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Gai impatiently waited for Yuna to come over to him as he stood quietly by the balcony.

Just the thoughts of Mimi's condition had drove his mind to the edge due to worry. If not for knowing that Yuna actually was her doctor, Gai wouldn't even be bothered to leave Mimi during her most vulnerable state.

"Mr. Clarkson...I'm sure you know what I want to talk about."

Yuna walked up to him, standing a few feet away. Her brown eyes were laced with worry and desperation. She wanted him to know that Mimi's condition were not to be taken lightly, nor he could take it for granted.

"Whether or not she's having amnesia, nothing will change. She will stay with me."

Gai stated, venom dripped along his harsh voice, as he felt slightly agitated from what Yuna was thinking. He could already tell whatever it was that she was thinking, he wouldn't like it.

"Then tell me how are you going to explain it to her about...about your relationship?"

She ran a hand through her coloured black hair, trying to think on how to convince the cold, expressionless man. She wanted to make sure Gai's didn't take the situation to his advantage.

"She's my wife, her not remembering it won't change that fact."

"But she's... she didn't even know how you two ended up marrying!"

Yuna unthinkingly shouted her thought. Her fear was apparent as she desperately wanted him to understand.

But Gai just silently stood there, his gaze turned to the room a few feet away from them. That was the room that Mimi had been staying for the last couple of weeks while in coma.

That was the room where he constantly goes to, no matter how tired he actually was after work.

It was in that room that he spent his sleepless night, day after day; no matter how much the doctor suggested for him to go back for they wouldn't know when she would wake up.

And now that she was awake, though not completely fixed, Gai hated the idea of letting her stay there much longer-let alone letting her stay at a place other than by his side.

Yuna watched him as he seemed to be contemplating over things in his head. The fear in her heart almost drove her insane.

"Don't tell're not..."

Yuna felt her voice stuck in her throat when Gai suddenly turned to face her again, a small smirk tugged on his lips.

"Don't say anything unnecessary to her."

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