I let out a loose breath and shook my head at her. "First of all, you should be the one to talk about being on the edge. Second, what are you even doing up?" Arden wrapped her arms around her body as she sighed. "You cold?"

"I'll be fine." She answered. Once Arden stood in front of me she handed me the knife back. I took it, feeling her cool fingers brush against mine. "I couldn't sleep." She stated, looking off into the forest.

"Sun's gonna rise in about two hours- what's got you so bouncy?" I asked her, tilting my head.

Arden snickered. "Do you have to ask?" She mumbled. "Why are you up?"

I shrugged. "I never went to sleep."

"Why not?" She dragged.

"Couldn't," I answered. "Why are you up?" I countered back.

"I just woke up...couldn't fall back asleep. I saw you were gone so I decided to come look for you." Arden pursed her lips and looked down.

"Aw, did you miss me, smartass?" I teased her. Arden snickered and shook her head.

"I guess." She mumbled. I didn't miss the tiny smile she had on her face. "So, you've been walking around thinking about what, exactly...?"

I scoffed, shoving my hands in my pockets. "Everything," I muttered. "The gods, the Kai, Johanna, the fact that we've been running around Athens, trying to stop her. It's driving me nuts." I ran a hand down my face.

"Don't worry about it," Arden told me. "Everything's going to be fine." I raised an eyebrow at her.

"Really, earlier you were about to smash a table through the wall. That's how frustrated you are..." I smiled at her. Arden chuckled lowly and shrugged.

"It's...a lot, you know." She whispered. I looked back down at her and saw she was biting her lip anxiously, lost in her thoughts. I wanted to know what was running through her mind- although I had a pretty good idea. "Zane...I'm scared." She admitted lowly.

The statement took me off guard. Arden was never completely vulnerable to me, even when we were dating, she never told me how she was feeling deep down to the core. Although I was always able to tell- she was just never the girl to easily say something like that.

This must be getting to her more than I thought. I walked closer to Arden and rested my hand on her arm. She was fidgeting with her hands and I ran my hands down and took them. 

We were close and I looked down at her, meaning every word I said. "Listen, you have absolutely nothing to worry about. Remember what you told me, Arden, together. We get through this together. To hell with Johanna and all that she's done, we're a team and if we continue to work with one another, she doesn't stand a chance."

Arden shook her head and looked down. "No, Zane...she- she's too powerful. She's able to do things that we've never even imagined, how do we even come close-"

I took my finger under her chin and made her look up at me. "Extraordinary. Arden, that's what you are. You know that we know that and we believe it. Do you believe that?"

"I do." She whispered.

"Than we are going to blow this whole predicament out of the water," I told Arden, my lips lifting at the corner. I squeezed her hands tighter and I saw her spirit lift a little. "You're absolutely incredible- you know you're able to do things that you don't even deem possible- it's insane. The amount of strength, power you have-" I rested one hand over her heart, where I felt it beating hard. "It's all right here, and you take that and you just give it your all, Arden. You are absolutely extraordinary- you cannot forget that, alright?"

Arden nodded up at me. Through the dark and silent night, I could still make out her big brown eyes and I swear at this moment, they seemed to shine brighter than the moon itself. An involuntary wave of emotions swept over me and the urge to take her in my arms washed me over completely.

I could tell at the moment, she wanted the same thing. Arden seemed lost for a moment, not moving or saying anything. My gaze shifted to her lips and she soon learned up to kiss me. I met her halfway and slid my arms around her waist.

Closing my eyes and kissing her deeply, I tightened my grip around her. It's been such a long time. Such a long time since I felt her like this. I missed this. I miss holding her, kissing her...

She tasted sweet and Arden's hands remained locked around my arms. Pulling her closer, I felt her shiver in my arms.

The kiss felt forbidden, sweet, sensual. It was soul-crushing. Feeling her tongue rub against mine was everything.

I locked my hands around her and she did the same. Pulling her even closer, I felt her body pressed up against me. I deepened the kiss. Arden made a noise at the back of her throat and I squeezed her.

I could feel my heartbeat accelerating and my pulse quickening. My head started to spin- she felt absolutely incredible.

My actions sort of slowed a bit and my pulse relaxed when I realized something. Heat. Hot- heat- I didn't feel it.

Yes, I felt the normal effects of a sultry kiss but- the fire. Where was the fire? Arden and I still...loved each other...

I didn't feel the intense heat I usually felt when kissing her or being around her nevertheless. My body wasn't ignited in flames or washed over with extreme warmness. What the hell?

She couldn't have stopped- you know? Now...?

My movements paused a little bit and I heard Arden giggle. Only...Arden doesn't giggle- rarely. And she sure as hell didn't sound like that. I pulled back and almost choked when I locked gazes with bright, blue, fierce, yet cold eyes. My eyes widening, I stammered back and Johanna gave me a broad smile.

Even though it was dark, her smile, and her fair skin stood out in the moonlight. Oh my god. My heart was racing. Suddenly the girl I had been kissing a few seconds ago, was suddenly the biggest threat I had in my life right now.

Yeah, that chapter was crazy right? I apologize that you've all been deceived. It's okay, Zane has been too.

Johanna is going to some great lengths to get Zane right? Next chapter, Johanna takes Zane on an adventure through his memories. Yay.

Until then,

Arden: The Gift Of DeliriumWhere stories live. Discover now