Chapter 10

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        Hollypaw followed Ivypool through the the forest. The green plants were still wet from the morning dew, and the prey was still asleep. When they were far enough in the woods to make sure no one would eavesdrop, Ivypool stopped. What am i going to say?

    "Don't even try to explain those scratches to me. I know you've been training in the Dark Forest." Ivypool told her, surprisingly calm.

    "I, uh, " Hollypaw stammered, before blurting out. "How did you know?"

    " Because I used to train there myself, before the Great Battle, I'm sure you told of how I spied there." Hollypaw couldn't help but feeling mouse-brained. Of course Ivypool would recognize the work of the Dark Forest.

    "So you're not mad?"

     "No, I know how easy it is to fall under their influence. Who's your mentor?" Ivypool asked suddenly

    "Breezepelt. He made me fight him when I was training with sheathed claws." Ivypool nodded understandingly.

    "Come on, we'll tell the clan that you were out night hunting and fell into a pretty nasty thornbush."

    In the medicine den with Jayfeather, everything was normal. Normal being that Jayfeather scolded her about falling into a thornbush.

         "I don"t fall into thornbushes, and i'm blind!" He exclaimed as he licked herbs into her scratches.

    When she was done in the medicine den, Bumblestripe called her over to where he sat with Dovewing, Ivypool, Mintpaw, and Owlpaw.

    Bumblestripe spoke. "Today we are doing a special battle training race."

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