Chapter 12

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Owlpaw walked along the tree bridge to the gathering, jumping off the end onto the bank of the island. He was worried and excited at the same time. Worried about the accusations that Blackstar and Shadowclan have to make, but also excited to be able to see Wildpaw again. Owlpaw thought Wildpaw was a great friend, he nice, funny, and energetic, and Owlpaw thought that he was great, but as a friend. So as Owlpaw emerged into the clearing, his gaze searched for his familiar orange pelt.

He saw him almost immediately. He bouncing around energetically from cat to cat. Owlpaw ran over to him, careful not to lose him in the crowd.

"Hey, Wildpaw!" He called out to her as he got close. He snapped her head around and confronted him.

"Stay away from me. I only talked to you that one time because you were lost and lonely."  Owlpaw took a few steps back in shock.

"But -"

"I was only kidding mousebrain. You need to learn to have some fun once in a while."  If Owlpaw was shocked before, he was even more shocked now, but also relieved that Wildpaw hadn't meant it.

"I thought you were for real! Nice joke Wildpaw."

"Thanks. Let's go find a spot to watch the gathering."

They found a spot to sit a moment before Onestar called the meeting to start. Owlpaw was surprised when the Riverclan deputy Reedfeather jumped onto the branch that the leaders sit on. What's Reedfeather doing up there? Where's Mistystar? As if reading his thoughts Bramblestar spoke.

"Reedfeather, is everything okay in Riverclan? Where's Mistystar?"  Reedfeather stepped forward to speak.

"Mistystar now walks with Starclan. I am the new leader of Riverclan." Owlpaw looks over at Wildpaw, wondering why he had not told him about Mistystar's death, and he leaned over and whispered in his ear.

"Sorry, I forgot to tell you."  Wildpaw said over the gasps of surprise.

Reedfeather continued.  "She died with honor, saving some of our kits from a stray fox. Some warriors and I successfully drove out the fox later."  

Blackstar stood up. "I am very sorry for your loss, Mistystar was a great leader, and Starclan will welcome her. Now on to more pressing topics. I need your answers," He looked over at Onestar. "Will you join me, Onestar?"

"I decline your offer, Blackstar." Blackstar then looked to Reedstar.

"Reedstar, will you join me?"  Reedstar looked determinedly at Blackstar.

"Riverclan will join you."  The crowd of cats started whispering frantically to each other. Wildpaw looked at him worryingly, and whispered in his ear.

"I'm sorry Owlpaw, I can't help what Reedstar does."

"Its okay, I know there is nothing you can do."

Bramblestar then stepped forward on the branch. "Thunderclan will gladly fight to keep what's rightfully ours."  He growled.

"Starclan is angry!" Owlpaw heard from somewhere in the crowd, he looked up and saw that a dark cloud had drifted over the moon.

"This gathering is over." Bramblestar declared, then hopped off the branch he was on.  Owlpaw felt a nudge at his side and looked over at Wildpaw.

"Meet me here tomorrow night." He whispered in his ear. Owlpaw wasn't sure it was a good idea, but in the short time he had known Wildpaw, they'd become good friends.

"Okay, I'll be here at moon high tommorow."  Owlpaw told him. He knew it couldn't hurt, they were only friends after all. But deep down Owlpaw knew he wanted to be more than friends.

Warriors: Return of the Breeze Book 1- The RebirthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora