Chapter 1

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     Mintkit opened her her eyes and was surprised to see the fur color of her mother and littermates. Her mother Cinderheart, was grey with dark tabby stripes, she could tell by scent that the black bundle next to her was her brother Owlkit, and the black and ginger tortiseshell with bright green eyes was her sister Hollykit. Owlkit was sleeping and Hollykit was lying beside him. Mintkit jumped in between them.

     "Mintkit, get off of Hollykit and Owlkit!" Cinderheart scolded. "Your eyes are open!" She turned to Daisy. "Could you go get Lionblaze?"

     "Sure." Daisy replied as she walk out of the den.

     A moment later Lionblaze appeared in the den.

     "Mintkit! Your eyes are open" exclaimed Lionblaze, unknowingly repeating Cinderheart.

     "Cinderheart! Cinderheart" Hollykit and Owlkit squeaked in unison.

    "Can we go outside now?" Hollykit asked.

     Mintkit looked at her paws, embarrassed that she had kept her littermates from exploring the camp, and found that her paws were white and her legs were a light grey.

     "I guess so. Just stay out of trouble." Cinderheart told them.

     "We won't." The kits reassured her. Mintkit followed her littermates out of the nursery. They scampered over to the fresh-kill pile. Mintkit made sure memorize the scent of every piece of prey.

     She heard a thud as a piece  of prey plopped down onto the pile. She parted her tiny jaws to draw in the musky scent. Mintkit looked up with her crystal blue eyes at an orange she-cat that was standing over them.

    "What's your name?" Mintkit asked.

     "I'm Squirrelflight, the clan deputy."

     "Wow." The kits  breathed.

     "I want to be just like you when I grow up" Hollykit exclaimed.

     Mintkit soon got bored and ran into a random den. She tripped over a dark bundle. He sprang up as if Shadowclan has invaded, Mintkit thought.

     "Oh. It's just you Mintkit, I'm Dewpaw by the way." So this is the apprentices den.

     "I'm sorry I woke you."

     "It's okay Mintkit. Mousewhisker is probably waiting for me anyways. I'd better go. Bye."

    "Oh. Okay." She said as Dewpaw ran out of the den.

Warriors: Return of the Breeze Book 1- The RebirthWhere stories live. Discover now