Chapter 3

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    Hollypaw looked up and saw Dewpaw looming over her.

     "I-I didn't k-know that this was your nest." Hollypaw stuttered.

     "Oh. Sorry." He apologized. "I just don't like other  cats in my nest, that's all." By other cats you probably mean your bossy sister Amberpaw. Hollyleaf thought. "Um. That nest over there is empty." Dewpaw said, angling his ears toward the back of the den.

     "Thanks. I'd better go find Bumblestripe." She said as she fled from the den. Once outside she scanned the clearing for her mentor. Purdy was sitting outside the elders den sunning himself. Poppyfrost was sharing prey with Berrynose by the warriors den, and Bramblestar was sitting under high ledge having a conversation with Squirrelflight. She finally found Bumblestripe sitting beside Dovewing and Ivypool by the fresh-kill pile.

     "So what are gonna do first?" Hollypaw asked.

     "What about a tour of the territory?"  Bumblestripe suggested.

     "Great! Are Owlpaw and Mintpaw coming too?"

     "Of course they can. It's your first time out of camp, you should be with your littermates." Said Dovewing, her green gaze resting on her sister Ivypool.

     "Now we just have to wait until they're done chattering like crows and get there tails over here." Ivypool said, chuckling softly.

     "Oh, look! Here they come!" Hollypaw yelled out. "Come on!"

     Hollypaw followed Bumblestripe through  the thorn tunnel. Mintpaw and Owlpaw were beside her along with there mentors Dovewing and Ivypool. Bumblestripe led the cats toward, well, Hollypaw hadn't found out yet. She was amazed by how green the forest was.

     Through the trees she could see the shimmering of the lake up ahead. It was so beautiful.

     "Wow." Breathed Mintpaw.

     "So this is the lake." Bumblestripe told them. "Straight across is Riverclan territory."

     "Shadowclan territory is over there." Dovewing said pointing with her tail to the shoreline to the right of Riverclan.

     "And Windclan has the territory on the left of Riverclan, where the moor is." Ivypool pitched in.

     Hollypaw looked around the lake, trying to imagine what the other clans were doing. She laughed to herself as she thought of the Windclan cats flying and the Riverclan cats turning into fish.

     "Hollypaw! Stop daydreaming and get a move on." Bumblestripe called to her. They walked along the shore until they got to a stream.

     "This is the Shadowclan border. Our territory follows this stream to the clearing that we won from Shadowclan many moons ago." Dovewing mewed.

     "What's that smell?" Asked Owlpaw. Hollypaw suddenly noticed the reeking scent. It seemed to becoming from the other side of the stream.

     "That's Shadowclan scent." Ivypool told her apprentice. That explains why it come from the other side of the stream, that's Shadowclan territory.

     The patrol continued walking up the border away from the lake. They saw glimpsed the clearing that Dovewing was talking about, but there was two-legs there in their pelt dens. They saw the abandoned two-leg nest where their medicine cat Jayfeather grew some of his healing herbs. They saw sky oak, and the Windclan border, which was also on a stream. Then they walked along the shore again and saw the ancient oak. On their way back the mentors showed them the old two-leg path.

     By the time they got back to camp, the sun was setting and all Hollypaw wanted to do was curl up in her new nest in the apprentices den. She forced herself to eat a shrew before she went to sleep. When she was done she plopped down into her nest, and within moments she was asleep.

Warriors: Return of the Breeze Book 1- The RebirthWhere stories live. Discover now