Chapter 7

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     Hollypaw looked around trying to find a familiar face in the crowd of cats. There was just so many scents and so many cats. She didn't know that there was this many cats in all the other clans. She looked around some more and finally spotted Snowpaw in the crowd.

     She made her way through the chattering cats and walked up to Snowpaw.

     "Hey Snowpaw!" she greeted.

     "Oh, hey Hollypaw, are you liking the gathering?"

     "Um, it's a little to busy and crowded and stuff." Snowpaw looked around and then shifted his gaze back on Hollypaw.

     "Yeah, I guess, you'll get used to it."

     "Hey, have you Mintpaw and Owlpaw?" Hollypaw asked, she needed to find out where they were. She couldn't just spend the whole gathering with Snowpaw. 

     "Um, I think I saw Owlpaw talking with Wildpaw, from Riverclan, earlier, but I have no clue where Mintpaw went."

     "Thanks Snowpaw, I'd better go see if I can find them." Hollypaw turned around and dashed off into the clearing, looking to see if she could spot her littermates anywhere.

     "Hey! You must be Hollypaw." a voice said from behind her. She spun around and was facing a ginger tom with amber eyes.

     "I'm Wildpaw. I was helping Owlpaw find you." Hollypaw could guess how he got his name. He seems to have endless energy.

     "I'm Hollypaw."

     "Oh, good. I should go tell Owlpaw that I found you." Wildpaw bounded  off somewhere, in the direction she guessed Owlpaw was. She was about to follow when Mistystar called for the meeting to start. She nodded for Onestar to start.

     "All is good in Windclan, we have two new apprentices, Eaglepaw and Spiritpaw, and Spiritpaw has decided to take the path of a medicine cat, and train as Krestleflight's apprentice."  the cats in the clearing cheered, welcoming the new apprentices. Then Onestar nodded to Bramblestar.

     "Prey is running in Thunderclan, and we also have three new apprentices. We welcome Mintpaw, Hollypaw and Owlpaw." Hollypaw looked to the ground, embarrassed that the cats where all looking at her and her littermates, while cheering there names. Then Bramblestar nodded to Blackstar.

     "I would like to say all is well in Shadowclan, but we agree that there is one clan that thinks there better than the rest of us." surprised murmurs coursed through the crowd, and b

Blackstar waited for it to die down before continuing. "Thunderclan has been a bother to us. Like a few sunrises ago, you insisted that you help us. We didn't need your help. you were just a bother. I think Riverclan and Windclan can relate."          Onestar stepped forward.

     "What point are you trying to make Blackstar?"

     "The point I'm trying to make is that Thunderclan always sticks their noses where they shouldn't, and should be punished. Shadowclan will take back the territory by the stream and take the rest of the territory between there and the abandoned twoleg nest, and any clan that wants to help teach Thunderclan a lesson is welcome to join." All the cats were  to shocked to speak, until Bramblestar spoke.

     "Is this really necessary, Blackstar?"

     " Yes, I will give you until the next full moon to give up your territory peacefully, or Shadowclan and any other clans that want to join in will rip you to shreds."

     "Be ready to fight then. I will never freely give away Thunderclan territory." Blackstar let his gaze sweep across the clearing one last time before jumping out of the tree and calling his cats to leave.

     Hollypaw couldn't believe what had happened. How could Blackstar do such a thing? What does Starclan think? Most importantly, what is Bramblestar going to do?

Warriors: Return of the Breeze Book 1- The RebirthWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt