I love Aayan. Ya Rabbi I'm in love with Aayan

I feel like shouting it on top of my voice.

Easy there tiger. That won't be a good idea, we don't know if he feels the same.

Ohhh! That kinda dampened my mood, kinda. Now I have to put a leash on my mouth so I don't blurt it out.

What if he doesn't feel the same. The pessimistic side of me whispered. I completely ignored that thought, I'm happy and nothing can dampen my mood right now. I am finally in love with my husband and it feels so right, so perfect. I am not going to dwell on what ifs. And even if he doesn't, I'll give him time. And it's not like I'm going to say it.

Of course not, you fear rejection!! What if he rejects you, how would you feel.? Common tell him, let's see if he has truly accepted you. Oh wait he'll say yes not because he wants to,  but because he's afraid of what you might do, after all you're suicidal.

I was, not anymore. I corrected, I'm stronger than that now. I didn't let that get to me. It's true what I fear most right now is rejection, but I didn't dwell on it, not now. Ya Allah save me from myself; for I am my worst enemy.

I walked into the closet to change my clothes. What do you wear when you're going to your in laws? I finally decided on a brown blouse with white maxi skirt, I used a brown veil.

I picked up my bag then went downstairs. I met Aayan clad in a simple brown shadda. He looks yummy in trads.

Oh my God, I did not just think that. What is wrong with me?!

"Let's go." Aayan said picking up his keys then walked out. I followed him and he was already holding the door for me.

Okay maintain your cool Jawahir.

"T-thank you." Dang it I stuttered.

Aayan walked around and also entered. He inserted the key but didn't start the ignition. "Are you okay?" He turned to look at me.

"O-of c-course I'm okay. Why wouldn't I be?" I laughed nervously.

"Oookay," he said unsurely. "You seem flustered." He added under his breath. But he let it be and started driving. Phew! I couldn't take the silence so I turned on the radio. Which I regret later on.

Shower by 'Becky G' was playing

🎶🎶I don't know, it's just something about ya
Got me feeling like I can't be without ya
Anytime someone mention your name
I be feeling as if I'm around ya

Ain't no words to describe you baby
All I know is that you take me high
Can you tell that you drive me crazy?
'Cause I can't get you out my mind

Thinkin' of ya when I'm goin' to bed
When I wake up think of ya again
You are my homie, lover and friend
Exactly why

You light me up inside
Like the 4th of July
Whenever your around
I always seem to smile

And people ask me how
Well your the reason why
I'm dancing in the mirror and singing in the shower
Ladade ladada ladada
Singing in the shower
Ladade ladada ladada
Singing in the shower🎶🎶

Life seem to be playing a joke on me, seriously. I can feel my face flushing, dang it.

"Tesoro" Aayan called when he stopped at a red light. "Are you sure you're okay? You're all flustered, you can talk to me."

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