Chapter 37; Forever

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"Stella, breathe"

"I am breathing, honey"

"Then why are you turning purple?"

I let out a shaky breath, as we continued to walk to his parents. He gave my hand a squeeze. I could see them perfectly now, his mothers hair was light brown and in wild curls. Her blue eyes were lively and filled with joy as she greeted everyone. Despite her very very few wrinkles and grey hairs, she looked great.

And Dante's father, he took after him, that much was obvious. He was tall, wide, intimidating. A blank expression on his face as he gave everyone a nod. His jet black hair was slicked back, and his aged green eyes were fiery. Bella looked at me and smiled, before whispering to his mom.

Her head snapped up, and I stopped breathing again.

She ran over to us, in her little black heels. Dante's father following her wild movements in long strides. She hopped up and smacked Dante on the head, "You damned idiot, couldn't you have taken her to Italy at least once." she reprimanded, Raphael and Bella snickered as his Dad pulled up and stood beside them.

The side of his mouth curved upwards slightly, as he handed Bella a 20 dollar bill. They bet on it.

Before Dante could give a strangled response, she whipped around to me. Her hair smacking him in the face. She gave a squeal and a smile, much to my surprise.

Her hands immediately pulled me in a gave me a tight smile, "It is so good to meet you Stella. I was beginning to think my son would never settle down, I'm glad you have each other" she whispered into my ear. "You mean you're not mad?" I asked, as I hesitantly hugged her back. "Oh no dear, your situation is completely understandable. In fact, the same thing occurred with me and Dante's father" she chuckled.

"Thank you, Mrs. Romano" I answered. "Call me Julia honey, and some friendly info from one Romano to another future one. I brought baby pictures" she laughed sneakily. I laughed at her response. Like Dante, she was charismatic.

She let me go and spun me around to face his father. "Look at her Lukas, isn't she just splendid" Julia exclaimed. His smile widened, as his father, Lukas, intimidating glances melted away.

"Dante, you better hope she doesn't leave you're sorry ass" His father joked as he embraced me in a bear hug. I peaked over Lukas's shoulder to view Dante. I gave a sheepish smile, and he smiled back.

                  7 1/2 months later

"Okay, ready, suck in!" Jayda screamed at me, as she zipped my wedding dress all the way up.

I sighed, and gave a reassuring smile at the crazy woman. "How much longer?" I asked. "45 minutes" Bella answered from the corner of the room, seated in a nude chair.

My beautiful wedding day, it was finally here.

"Guys, I-I'm so nervous" I stuttered, as happy tears began to well in my eyes. "No crying! you're makeup will wipe away!" Julia and Lilian screamed at me almost simultaneously. I gave a soft chuckle at their rowdiness. "Where's Josie?" I asked.

Right as I asked, she walked right in. A blue box in her hand.

"Hey guys, can I get a moment alone with Stella?" she asked. Everyone nodded and replied as they got up and walked out, Julia making sure Bella, Jayda, and Lilian's dark blue long sleeve bridesmaids dresses were okay one last time.

Josie sat down across from me and handed me the little velvet box. "This was one last present from Mia" she said. My lip quivered at the memory of her.

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