Chapter 15

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I was still sitting in the chair reading, giving Dante the silent treatment.

He had tried to taking to me, in which I only responded in short, uninterested, sarcastic answers.

The door knob turned and Jayda entered with a bag slung over her shoulder. Her dirty blonde hair was thrown in a messy bun and her green eyes gleamed with mischief and unsettled curiosity.

"Hey I'm going to the beach with Kai and Jay wanna come?" She asked.

I looked over at Dante for a split second before giving and answer, "sure" I replied.

"Great, we can meet hot guys and stuff" she said before walking out. Jayda could have no idea what was going on, but say the right things to make anyone tip.

"I'm going with you" he grumbled out and hopped off the bed. "Good for you" I replied.

I went to the bathroom and began to change.

I put on a nude colored bikini that made my body look nice. I turned at an angle to confirm that it would drive Dante mad.

I slipped on a pair of loose shorts and a long t-shirt the same color as my bikini

"Let's go" I said to Dante walking out.

We walked down the street to the beach. There was a decent amount of people there.

The water was a striking blue that gleamed like diamonds in the suns presence, the warm wind blew softly, making my wavy brown hair move slightly.

Jayda and Jay walked down to a shady spot on the beach and we settled there.

Dante was just on his phone and Jayda and Jay were arguing about who was to go get food.

After a while, Jay lost and Left to go get food.

"Hey, Stella let's go in the water" she said after.

She began to take off her shorts and loose tank top to reveal a slim toned figure. Her bikini was a light blue.

I nodded my head and threw off my shorts. As those came off, I decided to leave the shirt on.

I threw off my shoes and walked with Jayda down to the beach as males stared everywhere. We hung out for a bit, enjoying each others company. I must admit, with the fun I was having I definitely forgot about Vladimir.

After a while the sun started to set, they sky was a soft dim blue, illuminated only by the streaks of colored clouds and the sun that lay where the ocean and sky met.

I was standing in the water when arms snaked around my waist and I was pulled to a broad chest.

I turned to see a shirtless Dante, his damp hair sticking to his forehead

"Are you still giving me the silent treatment?". "Are you still gonna shut me out?" I said back and turned so that our chests touched, his hands still connected to my waist.

He sighed and rested his head on my waist. "No" he said.

"What?" I asked.

We were in a shallow part of the water, there were no waves except for an occasional push or pull in the water. He was holding me up now, with my legs wrapped around his waist.

"I'm no boyfriend material, and I've never been interested in girls or have been with any except for when I've slept around. To be honest, I don't care about most things. Yet everything you do, I would risk everything to keep you by my side. I'm done denying that" he said.

I lifted his face slightly and kissed him. The brim of my lips ached for his touch and my hands explored every muscle on his chest.

"Hey, I want to ask you something" I said, breaking apart our kiss.

"What?" He asked softly while me rested his forehead on my chest.

"Are you gonna break my heart?" I asked, wishing for the truth no matter how bad it might be. He leaned his forehead against mine, "I'd be damned if I did" he replied.

"Sorry to interrupt your love fest. But I'm pretty sure the poor sea animals don't wanna see you horny teenagers getting it on, also it's getting dark!" He yelled from shore while Jayda laughed uncontrollably.

I'd experienced many things in my life, but that night I discovered the feeling of completion when Dante explored my body and I his.

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