Chapter 14

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He looked on the bathroom before looking underneath the bed, he made his way to the closet after.

My heart hammered in my chest as I made a decision, I ran out of the closet out of the room before he could reach the closet.

I ran up and down halls and made my way to the other side of the house. I reached a dark hallway and hid in an empty room in the closet.

"Stella, where are you hiding" I heard him say from outside the room.

The door flew open, but I couldn't see anything. Suddenly the closet door open slowly, his eyes engraved into mine.

"Uh, hi" I said trying to play it cool. He grinned and pulled me out into his arms. My lips landed on his as we made our way onto the bed. Our lips entangled with each other's and my hands ruffled through his hair, at one point, before we could escalate any further, the doorbell rang

He growled in frustration, I pushed him off of me and made my way to the door, he followed behind me.

He opened the door and there stood Kai and Jayda with multiple bruises over his face and an ice pack.

"What do you two want?" Asked Dante coldly. I nudged him and gave him a look, "I still don't understand how you won" Said Kai looking away.

"Maybe I'm just better at fighting then you are" I replied. He scoffed, "Oh, is that so! I call a rematch" he yelled out.

Dante grabbed him and pulled him to his office. "Wow I didn't notice he did that much damage" said Jayda, sitting down on the couch.

"What do you mean?" I asked. "Look there's bruises all over your neck" she said titling my head.

I pulled out my phone and saw the hickeys all over my neck, not bruises from Kai. Damn it.

"Oh, I didn't notice" I said.


"So, update on the Russians?" I asked as Kai sat down.

"Yea, they confirmed a meeting date, but-"

"But what?" I asked folding my arms over my chest. "They're in Florida right now, and Viktor will only have it there for now. It's his sisters wedding and he also invited us, it's in 4 days" he said.

"Fuck, I really don't feel like going to Florida right now" I huffed out. "Alright we'll go, but I'm bringing Stella" I said a moment after. "Hey, your the boss" said kai, leaving the office

After a bit, they left and it was just me and Stella. "Hey Stella, pack a bag of clothes for a couple of days" I said sitting down next to her on the couch. "Where are we going?" She asked, looking up from the t.v.

"Florida, there's a meeting and a wedding I have to attend and I'd be more assured of your safety if you were with me" I said. "Oh, alright" she said nodding. "Dante how do you feel about me?" She finally asked after a moment of silence.

"What do you mean?" I asked, "you know what I mean" she said lowly.

"I don't know what I feel Stella. I'm really used to not having to feel anything" I said.

"So I'm just a toy for you?" She said in an inquiring voice. "No, not what I mean. But I'm just not used to what you do to me" I replied, unashamed.

"I don't understand" she said. "Hm?" I asked.

"Your really complicated, you like to shower me in kisses and touch me every chance you get, yet you have no intention of pursuing any relationship with me even though you 'like me'" she said. "Take it or leave it" I said. She chucked lightly, but it wasn't joy, almost like she was annoyed

She left the couch.

"I don't think that's what you really want" she said as she walked to her room. She was probably right, but I couldn't seem to find an answer.


I packed a bag the next morning, what Dante said frustrated me. I don't understand how one person could make me feel so much and then rip it away like it was nothing. Whatever, two can play that game I suppose.

We left early morning into his private plane with Dante, Jayda, Kai, Jason and jay.

Kai, jay, and Jason were all talking about random subjects, Jayda was playing games on her phone and Dante just sat across from me. Eyeing me every chance he got.

We landed several hours later, I hopped out and was shoved into a car with Jayda and Kai.

"Trouble in paradise?"Asked Kai. "Everything's good" I said. Jayda suddenly snapped her fingers in realization.

"Oh I get it! Those aren't bruises those are hickeys!" She said laughing and pointing at my neck. Kai looked over and gave me a look.

We made our way to the hotel. I opened the door to take in the scenery, there was a beach a couple streets down from what I saw, they afternoon sky was a dim blue, pink and orange clouds streaked the sky and the orange sun blazed lowly. The palm trees painted shadows into the sky and noises of people cars and the Ocean filled my ears.

Dante walked past me and picked up my bags suddenly, walking into the hotel.

As he walked in, everyone bowed slightly and muttered the word 'boss'.

"Does he own this place or something?" I whispered to Jayda as we were in the elevator.

She nodded and looked through the clear elevator glass.

The hotel was very luxurious, it had an expensive looking black and white decor with paintings and furniture here and there. It was a tall building with many rooms, spas, pools, and a lot more from what Jayda informed me.

We reached the 18th private level of the some 30 story building.

Jayda and Kai went into their rooms, Jayda winked to me as she walked in. And jay and Jason went to there own.

I had realized it was only me and Dante in the hallway, I pushed open the the door without anyone in and tried to closed the door when someone walked in.

"Are we sharing a room?" I asked as Dante settled down on the bed. "Yes" He said

"Why?" I asked. "Because I wanted to" he replied back.

I rolled my eyes and sat down in a chair in the corner and pulled out a book to read.

"What are you reading?"

"A book"

He groaned in frustration before pulling out his phone and calling someone

This was gonna be a long trip

-hope you liked it, this chapter ended boring but I promise this trip gets more interesting
-updating soon

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