Chapter 19

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The chilly winter air blew as 4 SUV's pulled up.

Men hopped out of the other 2 dressed in different clothing. I recognized Vladimir's men by they're dark green shirts but the others I didn't.

Eventually, Vladimir's disturbing face came into view. His blonde hair was a mess on his head and his eyes seemed even barbaric than before.

I pulled out the bags I was given when I sought out my location. In it was an assault rifle, bullets, and my sniper to which I set up.

I propped it up on the cool metal container top and leaned down on my forearms so that I could peer through the lens.

Finally, the opposite car door opened.

And he stepped out

His undeniably recognizable face. We shared the same eyes, a light honey. His face was covered in stubble and his black hair was smoothed back. Wrinkles were apparent here and there and his suit was smoothed over.

Me and my uncle Javier might share the same blood, but he will never be my family.

"Stella is your sniper in position?" I heard Kai ask through my earpiece. "Yes" I replied.

I was still appalled at the fact that after all these years he was really in control of my fathers business.

They talked for a sec when Vladimir turned back and reached for a suitcase from one of his men. He opens it up to reveal packs of a white substance. So it's drugs, I do vaguely remember Vladimir being visibly on drugs while doing stuff to me.

Javier reached forward to grab one but stopped when a shot went off. Immediately men scattered and started shooting.

"What was that?!" I asked into my earpiece. "One of Vladimir's snipers spotted our position" said Lilian.

"Stella, take them out" Jayda yelled, snapping me from my zone out. Dante's and Viktor's men began to reveal themselves as they started shooting.

Adrenaline pumped through me as my true colors began to show. "No problem" I thought in my head.

I aimed my sniper and took out the tires on the cars. I scanned and when I reached a frantic man I shot him in the legs so he couldn't move.

I searched for Dante and found him fighting Vladimir, each punch was forceful and hard. I tried to take Vladimir out but they kept moving. I guess I'll have to trust that Dante can get him

I took out one of the snipers and was about to shoot again when a bullet pierced the side of my upper stomach. "Shit!" I yelled. It wasn't bad, but it was still bleeding out.

In a flush of anger I was able to take out the sniper with the assault rifle. There, all 2 down.

I hopped off the container with the bags, I limped past our suv and threw the bags at it. I quickly opened up the car and pulled out a small jacket Dante had and wrapped the arms  around my wound

That should suppress the bleeding for now.

From a distance I could see the men fighting, the temptation to join over came Dante's unsaid warnings.

I made my way through containers and stopped when I saw Jayda in a chokehold with another girl, I grabbed a knife from my pockets and carefully aimed.

Just like darts, I thought. My arm pulled pack and threw it forward in a spiral motion, it hit her in between her eyes and she let go of Jayda.

I made my way out of the container area and towards Jayda. I knelt down beside her, "you good?" I asked.

She nodded, I looked over to see that Javier's SUV was still there when and idea flashed in my head.

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