17. The Challenge

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I could hear faint noises of people chatting near me, and one of the voices sounded very recognisable. It felt like I was on a bed, really comfy bed may I add. I really wanted to open my eyes, but I couldn't, I just felt so weak. I felt like all the energy from my body had been drained out, I just couldn't seem to gather the strength to open my eyes, but soon I gave up and decided to stop struggling and let myself rest for a while. However, the moment I relaxed the flashback of the attack came back to me in a speed of a lightening.


"Pass the injection." The similar voice spoke up again with devilish eyes. When he moved his eyes from me to the other guy to receive the injection from him, and I realised that this was my only chance to call for help before they make me fall unconscious. With the speed of a lightening, I grabbed his hand and bit on it as hard as could while squeezing my eyes shut. He cried out in pain for a second but managed to supress it by swearing under his breath after removing his hand from my mouth. Taking the opportunity in my hands I screamed as loud as I can for help and hoped that he would manage to hear me.



"NOO!!" Forcefully snapping my eyes open I started to look around and saw that I was in a huge room, and when I say that it was huge it's an understatement. On each side of the king-sized bed were tables, to my right in the far end was an enormous wardrobe and it was near a wide window, to my left was a dressing table that was against the wall and had perfumes and make up's on top. It seemed to be a woman's room by the look of it. Finally, opposite the bed was the door to heaven. Exaggerating a lot? yes probably, but I seriously wanted to get out of there and go to find Mr Stock. He was the only person that I could trust at that moment. Shocking? Yep, I know. Honestly, no matter how much of a bastard he maybe he still had humanity and would save me. Getting out of the thought of him I came across many unanswerable questions, such as:

How did I reach here? What Happened? Am I kidnapped?

The last question made panic to rise within me. Adrenaline was rushing through my veins leading my heartbeat to pick up the pace. Whilst breathing heavily, I frantically started to look around the room I was in.

The kidnapper must be rich by the looks of just a room. I wondered and jumped out of the bed and heading towards the door very carefully while running my fingers through my hair.

Without wasting anymore time I prepared myself to defend in case there's the kidnapper outside the door and is ready to attack me the minute I open it. Slowly and carefully, I turned the doorknob and pulled on it, but it didn't budge. It was locked!

Running my fingers through my hair again I groaned in frustration and stepped back towards the bed and started to pace across the room several times. Stumping my way towards the door I started to bang on it while yelling from top of my lungs, hoping someone would hear me.

"Get me out of here!!" I shouted while banging on the door with my right hand. "Is someone out there? Get me out of here!" This time I was using both of my hands, but unable to continue because of weakness I slowly took couple of steps backwards in helplessness. Just when I was going to give up completely, my eyes fell on the window on the other side of the room causing me to sprint towards it. However, soon all my hopes were washed away because the window was locked. Not knowing what to do at that moment I just leaned against the window with tearful eyes.

If only I didn't agree to go with that Bastard, then all this wouldn't have occurred. How long have I been here? I wondered to myself, and the question was about to be answered because the doorknob was being turned by someone from the other side of the door. It was most likely the kidnapper, so I ran to the dressing table and picked up a perfume bottle to hit him with it when they enter. Tip toeing near the door I used both of my hands to keep the bottle above my head, and when the door was being opened, I bought the bottle forward and was about to hit it on their head but stopped halfway after seeing who it was. It was shocking!

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