7. The Abandoned Place

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Was I following my boss? Yes. Was I trying to not come into his view? Maybe. Well, it would've been a yes if the driver wasn't driving so slowly. You must be wondering why on earth was I following my boss on my first day of work? Well, it's simple. He didn't appear to be the type of person who would leave in the middle of their work, and I was just a bit curious.

I really should get my own car.

His car turned left, and I told the driver to stop before he turned left. I didn't want to come into his view and get fired, of course.

I had to be very careful.

Stepping out of the cab, I paid the driver and hurriedly followed William.

Was I scared? Yes. Was I going to turn back? Nope. You would think it's really stupid of me to carry on. But something seemed fishy about the way he randomly disappeared from his office; he didn't appear as the type to take his work lightly. I know, I should've minded my own business, but the curious little George inside me was awake. Not my fault.

As soon as I turned, in front of me was a huge black gate but they looked really old and rusty. As I pushed the gates open, they creaked making me more alert, in case he comes out of nowhere. There was a small fountain in between a house and the gate. The fountain was really dried up with lots of spider webs and dust around it. There was dust and spider web everywhere; especially when it came to the house. It was an average sized house. As I stood in front of the house, I noticed that the door was open.

Did he go inside? Why would he come to a place like this?

At this point, a normal person would've turned back and headed back to their own business but looked like I wasn't normal.

Taking a deep breath, I timidly sneaked into the house.

As I walked down a long passage I wondered if this was a trap. A trap to kill me in the unknown place and so that no one could find me. What? That could've been a possibility. What if he was a serial killer? That could have been a possibility as well. But that would've been literally the worst-case scenario because then that would mean he was a professional killer, and he wouldn't have left any traces of me to be found. Dramatic? Hmm, probably. I guess I had more of my dad's personality, he wouldn't rest until he cleared his suspicions or worries.

I continued to walk ahead in the complete darkness. It was completely dark for my liking, so I turned on my phone's flashlight to have a better look around me.

If I thought the outside looked bad, the inside was even worse. Couple of sneezes escaped from my mouth involuntarily.

Damn it!

I was surprised that I didn't get caught yet, considering the fact that I did sneeze really loud. Blame the amount of dust that was present, not me.

I stopped in front of a closed door. Mostly likely a room. The original colour might've been wooden colour, but there were a lot of dirt and dust, so it looked like chestnut brown. What made it weird was the fact that it was the only door in that abandoned house, which was closed, the rest of doors in this place was open. 

Could he be inside?

I didn't know what made me so brave that day, but with shaky hands I went for it. I was about to push open the door when I was rudely grabbed by my arm and pushed against the wall.

Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.

"What do you think you are doing?" He seemed dangerously calm. Silence before storm? It was as if my lips were sealed. They didn't even open.

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