25. Exposed

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I was sitting down on the bed in Evalyn's room while staring at my feet. I was recalling how carefully he aided me back in my room, his touch still lingered on my feet.

Why am I acting this way? Do I like him? no, that's not possible, right?

Soon, Eva stepped out of the shower in her bath robe while using her towel to dry up the extra water on her hair.

"I know I take really long in showers, I'm sorry." She rushes towards her dressing table that has all sorts of things: hair clips, make ups, brushes, perfumes. The things I can only dream of having but can't actually get. In childhood, my parents didn't really like to spend much on non-necessary things, such as: toys, new dresses, clips etc. I never really complained since they were my parents and suppressed my desires.


"It's totally fine, Evalyn. You didn't really take that long." I reassured while smiling, even though she did take an awfully long time, but I already felt bad for cussing her, even if it wasn't out loud. I guess, I had William to occupy me in the meantime.


"Come on, Lillian! Just call me Eva. I find Evalyn old and long." She laughed, making me release a small laugh myself.


"Call me Lilly." Smiling, I carefully got up from the comfortable, king size bed, and made me way to use the bathroom. I closed the door behind me, leaving Eva blow drying her hair. Compared to her bathroom, my bathroom in the room that I am currently staying in, is basically... nothing! Her bathroom is amazing. Everything was skilfully placed in their correct places without a single mess.


I was astonished!


I was busy inspecting every inch, when I heard the one person's voice that caused all my attention to shift on him instead. Leaning against the door, I tried to listen to what he might be saying to her. Anything about me? Okay, I know that I shouldn't be listening to their conversations, since they're siblings and it's not in my place to know anything. But it is possible that they might be talking about me, right? Well either way, it doesn't matter since I couldn't hear thing. Instead, I decided to do what I came in for and go in the room.


The minute I stepped out of the door they became quiet and turned their head my way at the same time. Okay... doesn't look like they were talking about me. Now, I'm just even more curious. Great!


"I'll talk to you, later." He scratches the back of his head while saying that which made me crease my brows in confusion but, I just let it slide. For now.


"Alright, bro?" I didn't miss the sly glance that he gave while she was talking though. It almost seemed as if he was nervous. Of what though? No idea. He walked out of the door which another glance which was disappointing to be honest. The disappointment might have escaped William's eyes, but they were captured by Eva's eyes. She had her famous smirk on her face just like her brother. I mentally sighed, while taking a seat beside her while minding my injured toe.


"What is it? Spill the beans." Sighing, I placed my feet on a stool that was in front of me since I felt like my toe was throbbing in pain. Did the painkiller even work? Seems like it didn't.


She sat up straight and made herself comfortable before she began. She asked me the one question that I have been avoiding all this time. The one question that I didn't want to answer as I was too afraid of the consequences.

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