11. Dream?

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With my every tiny step backwards, he took a large leap forward. More adrenaline was released into my veins and caused my weak heart to accelerate.

THUMP! With that little noise my back hit the wall, it left me no more space, and in front of me was no other than William himself, who had made up his mind to not let me escape.

His intense gaze was fixed on me while mine was fixed on the ground. He continued to stare at me with the same intensity while I was looking everywhere but him, I was sure that the minute I would've started to investigate them, I wouldn't have had the strength to look away.

With the last long stride, he was incredibly close to me, in fact, he was so close to me that I could feel his minty breath on my face... on my lips to be exact. I just didn't seem to know what to do at that moment. Just when the idea of escaping from the side entered my useless mind, as if he had read my mind, he quickly lifted his both arms and caged me right there, preventing me.

"Where do you think you were going?" He said in a husky voice while using his right hand to caress my cheek, making me close my eyes and lose the little sense that I still had left. I gradually lifted my gaze and immediately my hazel ones met those ocean blue ones. Lifting both of my shaky hands I placed them on his chest while he still had his right-hand flat on my cheek, staring deep into my eyes. While we were standing there, I didn't realise when he had started to lean in. My heavy breathing could be heard clearly in the silent office. He leaned in even more and then...

"LILLIAN!!" Echoed a voice. I shot my eyes wide open. With a huge thump, my back hit the floor, making me cry in pain.

"What the hell! What on earth were you planning on doing?" I asked irritated while rubbing my back and getting up from the rock-hard floor.

"Me?! I just came in to wake you up before you get late but when I came close, you started to hug the pillow and started to pout, as if you were trying to kiss." while she was halfway through the sentence my eyes went wide like a saucepan. Just then the realisation hit me.

I was just dreaming!

'I actually thought we were kissing. That was actually so stupid of me.' I said under my breath, but she just managed to hear me, and she stopped me while I was making my way towards the bathroom. 

"Sof I'm getting late," I said in a bored tone.

"Ohh... so someone was dreaming about kissing. Who were you going to kiss?" She spoke with a mischievous tone.

"No one. Just let me go now!"

At that moment she made her eyes wide as if she had just realised something, and this made me curious.

"what?" I raised my eyebrows.

"You were dreaming of kissing William, weren't you?" That made me nervous suddenly, and I started to fiddle with my fingers again. My eyes wandered everywhere thinking an excuse.

"Just shut up Sof. Aren't you getting late?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

Ah! That should work.  I wondered while tapping my foot on the carpet that was under my foot.

"OH MY GOD! yeah, I need to run." She said while jumping on her spot and looking anxious. Hurriedly she made her way towards my door to go, and just then I closed my eyes and let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding. But my illusion didn't last for that long, unfortunately. "Oh... by the way, you have some answers to give to me tonight." She said after peaking into my room and left after she gave a mischievous wink. I ran towards my bed and threw my pillow at her, but it was too late because she had already left. I was internally screaming until my eyes fell on the clock, which clearly read.

8:45 am!

Rushing towards the bathroom I quickly had a shower and came out with a towel around me.

8:55 am!

Drying my hair, I stumbled my way towards my wardrobe and picked out an outfit and a pair of heels.

9:00 am! Late!

While using my left hand to brush my hair I used my right hand to feed myself. What? God knows when that bastard was going to allow me to eat. All he ever remembers is work, work and work. UGH!

While getting out of the house I tried to make up an excuse for being late. "I would like to go to Stock's industry, please," I said and sat down in the taxi while my mind still wandered back to what excuse to say, an excuse that he can't ignore. Getting worried by every second I politely asked, "I am getting late, please can you drive a bit faster."

"I've told you the other day and I am telling you now, this is not a racing car." He replied rudely while chewing his gum. This made me crease my brows in irritation, and my lips were in thin line highlighting my anger. "Excuse me, mister! There's no need to be rude, I was asking you politely." I pointed out, clearly frustrated with the attitude that he was displaying.

"It's your job that you are late for, should have left your house earlier. Don't pour all your anger out on me now." He said in irritation while still focused on the road.

As much as I would hate to admit but it's true. 

"Can you just... just help me reach there?" I asked irritated by the whole situation in general.

Just then I leapt forward, and my forehead hit the seat in front of me after the car came to a stop. Thinking I had finally arrived I was about to get out but stopped as soon as I looked outside and realised that it was not the case.

"Why did you stop here? Can you just drive? I'm getting late."

"Actually... no. I can't." He said carelessly while yawning.

"And what may the reason be...?" I asked in an irritated tone while crossing my arms carelessly.

"The car's out of fuel." He said while still chewing his gum.

"You can't not serious right now!" I semi-yelled in anger and annoyance. I didn't know what else to do. I was getting late and it was 10 minutes away by care, so if I walked it, I would've leached there in 20 minutes and I would've been late. 

What do I do now?

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