Chapter 15

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Andi's POV

"She should be here any minute, is the rest of the food out? The balloons hung? The birthday banner on the wall? What about the party light? Buffy's party cannot be a party without the party lights!" I anxiously questioned Bex, Jonah, and Cyrus as we stood in the kitchen.

Cyrus put his hand on my shoulder, "Andi, calm down. Everything is in place."

"Yeah kiddo, we're all set, everyone is in the lounge waiting." Bex added.

"I know, I'm sorry. It just has to be perfect for her." I took a deep breath as Bex hugged me.

"She just texted me, she's coming up the driveway" Jonah announced.

I grabbed my phone to see a notification from Buffy didn't exist. I went to our conversation to see my message read, unusual. I just shook it off and got into place.

The door creeped open, revealing a dark house to Buffy.

"Ugh, guys?" she asked confused as she switched on the lights.

"SURPRISE!" we all said in unison, running up to greet our best friend.

"This is amazing, but it's technically not my birthday yet." Buffy laughed.

"Yeah, but Andi wanted us to be able to spend the last day of 13 together and the first of your 14." Cyrus explained.

"Thank you guys." she took Cyrus and Jonah into both her arms for a big hug. I patiently waited for mine. I leaned into hug her but she only hugged me with half her body and squirmed away quickly. A little hurt, but I'm sure she was just excited for the party. I let her on her way.

I walked over to see Amber standing against the wall in the crowd, sipping some beverage from the snack table.

"Heyyy" she smiled as I came over.

"Hello Amber." I joked back, "see any good prospects?"

"Hmm I don't know, that Iris girl is pretty cute?" she took a sip of her drink.

"Let's go introduce you then," I grabbed her hand to guide her but she pulled away.

"Not right now, we will eventually. I want to wish Buffy a happy birthday." and we were off to find my curly haired friend.

"Some party, huh?" Amber spoke to her.

Buffy turned around and replied with a monotone, "yeah"

"Happy Birthday, it's pretty awesome to have such great friends, especially like Andi." she wrapped her arm around me. Buffy rolled her eyes, Amber oblivious as she walked off to talk to other party guests. 

"What was that for?" I asked concerned.

"I don't know what you mean." Buffy spoke, the most she has to me this entire night.

"Maybe the fact that Amber was trying to be nice and you were just rude to her?" I added, irritated.

"Aww so it's about Amber now? You sure know how to throw a good plot twist in your life story, first your actual mom, now your girlfriend Amber." Buffy pushed me back slightly. I know she didn't mean it.

"What's going on here?" Cyrus asks concerned by what he witnessed.

"None of your business, go back to your lover boy." Buffy spat.

"How about you tell your lover girl who she is?" Cyrus spat back, also receiving a push from Buffy.

"Just shut up Cyrus!" she began to walk off. 

I managed to grab her arm, "Andi!"

We sat in silence for the first few minutes, I am so confused over all of this. Especially the fact that Buffy thinks Amber and I are a thing. I don't know how more obvious I can get, she's the one I want to be a thing with.

We began to talk slowly and cleared things up one by one, the first being that I was STILL single.

"I'm sorry Andi, I'm your best friend and I should've been happy for you, even if it was true." she wrapped her arms around me, pulling me down on her chest where she was lying. 

"I've just never seen you so upset with me before." I spoke into her chest, "It scared me."

"It wasn't you sweetheart, I just didn't want anyone having the privilege of calling you theirs." she replied.

"Why?" I looked up into her eyes.

"becauseiwantyoutobemine" she mumbled.

I raised up slightly and laughed, "Honey you know I didn't hear a word of that, use your words."

She took a deep sigh, "Because I want you to be mine."

Our eyes locked and hearts connected in momentary silence, I forgot how to breathe. Without even thinking I found myself leaning in to Buffy's lips and she met me half way.

Our lips connected and my heart nearly exploded. Nothing else mattered to me anymore, I never wanted to forget this feeling of her lips on mine. 

We pulled apart, still shocked yet relieved at what had happened, I glanced down at my phone that read 12:01.

"Happy Birthday, Buffy." I managed to speak.

"That was definitely the best gift I've received. I think I might need another one?" She raised an eyebrow. She grabbed me by my waist and gently pulled me in til our lips met once more.

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