Chapter 13

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Cyrus' POV

My eyes slowly opened as the sunlight ran through my curtains. I glanced over at the clock to see that it was 8 something, there was a can of soda covering the other two numbers. I lifted myself off Jonah's chest, wiping the sleep from my eyes.

My phone dinged.


Get over here, Buffy is about to leave.


Did you forget? Remember we are throwing Buffy a surprise party 🙁

Now get off of Jonah and get over here🤗


"Jonah.." I yawned, shaking his arm slightly.

"Yeah?" He answered, the sleep still obvious in his voice, but it was beyond cute.

"We need to head over to Andi's, to start decorating for Buffy's party." I stated, rubbing his back as he rose up.

"Okay, but one more kiss." He smiled, but we he laid me on the bed, I knew it was more than just one.

Andi's POV

"Driscoll, come on. It's the last day you're 13, go out and do something." I said to the taller girl as she tied her shoes as I hugged her.

"I just don't understand why you won't come with me Andi, I mean we do everything together." Buffy replied, sounding a little hurt by me not wanting to go with her.

But it wasn't that, of course I wanted to spend every moment I could with her. The plan was to have her a surprise party tonight, that way when the clock hit 12 and it was officially her birthday, I would be the first person she'd be with. It's hard keeping this from her but Cyrus made me promise.

"We can do something later, you need some you time right now." I hugged her once more, a little longer than the last.

Shortly after Buffy left, a knock came on my door. There stood smiling Cyrus hand in hand with Jonah.

"Hello my favorite gays." I greeted.

"I figured Buffy would've been your favor--" Cyrus hit Jonah causing the sentence to stop. I was confused. But Cyrus began talking to clear the silence.

"She doesn't know." I heard Cyrus whisper to Jonah. I don't know what?

"Okay so here's the plan," I said, brushing everything off, "Buffy will be occupied until 10ish tonight. We need her here by 11, that way when it's 12 and officially her birthday, she'll be around everyone she loves."

"I have the cake and decorations bought, you guys can help me start decorating." Bex added, setting down a box on the table.

As a couple hours passed, my house began to look like an actual party. Banners hung, balloons in every direction, Buffy's favorite snacks being laid out on the table. This was all turning out so good.





I really need to talk to you about something. I feel like you're the only one who would understand.

But why should I help you after what you've put everyone through?

I know, I truly cannot say how sorry I am. But please, I need you. Meet me at the spoon at 7?


I put down my phone to see the boys hugging on each other.

"Grosssss" I sarcastically spat out.

"Oh is that gross? What about this?" Jonah smiled, kissing Cyrus.

"Extra gross." Bex laughed.

"I have to head to the spoon, Amber wants to talk." I announced.

"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Cyrus' eyes widened.

"Guess I'll find out." I shrugged.

"Text me and let me know what's going on." Bex hugged me as I went out the door. I seriously don't know why Amber would ever need me.

A/n: hello everyone ! If you hadn't noticed the title and cover change, I have decided to make this both a Jyrus and Bandi book in one ! Double the love, double the gay, double the happiness. Thank you for reading! Sorry to leave you on a bit of a cliff hanger !

Everyday - JYRUS & BANDITahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon