The Wanderer

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On this earth so alone

cold and yet free

she carries her scepter made of bone

and wonders the plains wanting only to be

found for more than her glorious cloak

loved for more than just her warming gaze

her presence unnoticed by most folk

she shrouds herself amongst a haze

that unless invited would surely steal

my soul, my life, my broken heart

so as I dream of this one so real

my heart once broken apart

begins to piece itself again

I call her name and wait in fear

to hear her voice like a siren

to call my name and whisper my ear

her answer to satisfy the war within

for if the leaves she shan't return

and back to the shadows shall I begin

for now I simply wish to learn

whether she has a goal in mind

or if she simply wanders the world

and just whether or not I'll be left behind

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