My reflection

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Tonight i stare into the sea

Awaiting a vision to be brought to me

A sight of future and a vision of past

A glimpse of the present not to last

Now the sea begins it's song

One i that i yearn for and long

The chuckle of the waves and the voice of the wind

Cry to all that have sinned

My heart strings play a lovely harmony

While my thoughts take up the minor melody

As the piece begins to end

I feel the presence of a friend

I turn around to look and see 

An empty void staring into me

A longing grips my frozen soul

Ringing bell's solemn toll

Now my eyes witness a sight

One that blackens the brightest of light

A vision of death and a sight of life

All cut short by a sickening strife

That as hard as we push or how much we try

We all will fail and we all will die

We all must wallow in the grave 

Nobody to hold, not one to save

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