why me?

79 3 0
  • Dedicated to nobody

Why does my heart break

only to make me pick up the pieces again

why do I hide from you

when you try to seek me

in the dark all alone

Why do I dance

even though there is no music

why do I love

when I do not understand

just what it feels like

Why do you trust me

even after I betrayed you

Why do I believe in the illusion of us

when you do not feel for me

the same as I do you

Why do I walk

even though I can run

why do I serenade you

when you find yourself unworthy

for something I find only in you

Why do you talk to me

for hours on end

why do I harden myself

against the world around me

only to find it passed me by

Why do I cry at night

alone and concealed

why do I look at the stars

and think of you only

and not anyone else

why does my heart break

when I see your face

why me

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