Chapter 38

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You know how Christmas usually comes sooner than you expect? How one second Trick Or Treaters are knocking on you door then in blink of an eye it's carollers?

That was not the case this year.

After getting the demo offer and booking a meeting for early January, it was all I could think about. Time absolutely dragged, so it was relieving when Fiona and Adam decided to visit before going away for a few days. Not so relieving was Fiona's horrified shriek when she realised that it was Christmas Eve and we had no decorations.

So, instead of a nice, relaxing Christmas Eve with friends, I was stuck hanging mistletoe at the bottom of the stairs. Why? I had no idea but Adam's sly expression told me that he was up to something.

Fiona had gone up into the attic and managed to find a plastic Christmas Tree and decorations among all the mess. She and Abigail were expertly decorating the tree and because of their eye for style, they were perfect for the job. Alexander was trying to help too, key point being trying.

Thomas, Lucy, who'd come to visit her boyfriend, and Adam were decorating the rest of the house in Santa ornaments and Nativity Scenes. I didn't see the point of all of it though, not with everything going on. My Mother was leaving and no matter how horrible she was, I couldn't help but be a little sad by that fact. It was also my first Christmas without Dad and Asher, no more Asher jumping on me and waking me up or Dad dressing up as Santa despite us being nearly adults. Point is, Christmas is a time to spend with family and from where I'm standing, I have none.

"Want to do the honours?" Alexander asks, pulling me out of my thoughts. "You are the newest member of the family after all," he puts an emphasis on family, almost as if he knows what I was thinking.

I offer a small smile. "Sure." I climb off the small step ladder and grab the bright, golden star that Alexander had offered me.

The tree's taller than I expect, so i need to stand on my tippy-toes just to get in the vicinity of the top. I reach up and attempt to get the glittery star on the top of the tree but find myself lurching forward, getting dangerously close to colliding with the tree.

Strong, tanned arms wrap around me, steadying me. "I've got you May," Thomas says as he holds me in place.

I know what you're thinking and no, there was nothing romantic about it. It was a protective brotherly gesture that made me feel safe in a way I hadn't since I lost my brother.

So it was in that moment, Thomas holding me steady as I place the star on the tree while Alexander, Abigail and three of my best friends surround me that I realise I do have a family. Sure, we're not related, not even close, but they're there for me. 

Thomas and Alexander would never replace Asher and my Dad but they make me feel safe and loved in a way that I had't since they died. Abigail was the little sister I never had, but boy was she the best sister i could ask for.  Fiona was a little firecracker and was like a crazy, over-excited Aunt. Or a soccer Mom. Adam was like the chill-laid back surfer cousin that even has but no one knows about because they're always travelling somewhere exotic. Last but not least was Lucy, the very first person to defend me from Kayla, ever the protective Mom. 

Thomas lets me go after I place the star on the tree. Fiona immediately perks up and flicks a switch, sending the whole tree into an explosion. Not a literal explosion, but an explosion of color caused by tinsel and lights. 

"I think we're done," Fiona says with a bright smile that can only be brought on by the festive season. 

Adam wraps his arm around Fiona's waist and pulls her close. "Not too bad. We should be come interior designers if this whole nice thing doesn't work out."

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