Chapter 31

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The next day at school, I insisted that Thomas and Lucy sit with the rest of the band, I wasn't going to be responsible for destroying their friendships. So, I sit alone, once again thinking about nothing and everything.

That was until I was interrupted.

"Hey babe," a blonde head of hair slides into the chair next to me. I notice him move in closer, his eyebrows furrowed. "What's wrong?"

My eyes flicker in the direction of my old friends. I freeze when my gaze locks on the most magnificent shade of blue. I quickly rip my eyes away.

"Oh, you guys broke up," he states bluntly. I flinch.

"What do you want?" I sigh.

"Oh nothing," he states. "Just wanted to let you know that I'll be around for dinner tonight, your Mom invited my family." I scoff.

"And why do you feel the need to tell me this?" I ask uninterestedly.

"Don't sound so excited," his tone's dripping with sarcasm. "See you tonight, princess," he then stands up and walks away.

The rest of the school day is just as lonely with Thomas pulling me away before the end of the day to inform be that he'll be over at Adam's for a band livestream. That's another thing, I'm not longer part of the band and who am I if I don't have the music?

It's part of me.

After giving me that little piece of information, Thomas and Lucy leave for Adam's and I'm left to walk home from school, alone. I seem to be awfully lonely these days, don't I?

You see, while I may not have had many friends as a kid, I always had someone, whether it was Dad or Ash. I was never truly alone. I pull open the door to my massive house, the large space feeling lonelier than ever. With the band around, it was starting to feel like it could actually be a home, not just some house out of some fashion magazine.

When I head upstairs, my Mother's going through my closet. "What are you doing?" I ask tiredly.

"I'm looking for something for you to wear for dinner tonight," she replies.

"And why do I need to dress up?" I ask as I sit on my bed.

"Because, Amaia, Bradley Tate comes from an extremely wealthy family and I think that you two would make a good pair," she states bluntly.

"And if I'm not interested?" There's person that I'm interested in.

"Your interests don't matter, Amaia. You don't know what's best for you, I do. So if Bradley Tate asks you out, you will accept," she pulls out a cream coloured, knee length dress.

If I were to be honest, I'm tired of arguing with her. I'm tired of trying to fight against her because I never win. So, I say the word I thought I would never say to her again. "Okay."

"Good, remember you restart ballet again Monday. I decided that entering the contest at your Father's work is unnecessary so you'll just be attending the ball with Bradley," she smiles for the first time in months. "You're finally getting your life back on track."

I knew what she was doing, she was taking advantage of my vulnerability. She knew I was in a weakened state so she was taking over my life again but I just didn't have the energy to fight. And in a way, that scared me. If this is what getting my life back on track was, then I didn't want it.

"Why? You have what you want so why do I have to do this?" All I wanted was a family.

"You're just a child Amaia, you'll never understand."

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