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Well, I imagine a bunch of you are like where's Meaghan? Is she dead? Did her kidney stop working? Whatever.

Well Meaghan doesn't exist and she never did. None of that eating disorder, turn gastroparesis whatever the fuck story I came up with was ever real.

I would've continued on with if my parents hadn't found out. A girl at school saw that on my phone I had wattpad and I laid it down without thinking and she followed herself on my account on my phone and found my whole mess of lies and took screenshots and told the counselor at school.

The counselor at school then called me in had printed screenshots and everything and I had to come clean or else they'd tell my parents (which by then the screenshots had been sent to my mom). 

So I did. My parents were shocked that their perfect daughter would manipulate people like this but to be honest I don't really care. this was all a major thrill ride from day one. i'm now in therapy cause my mom thought I was a sick freak (true story) which if I am, it's alright. that's life. 

My parents took my internet privilages until today while off of school for fall break my mom came in with my computer and told me that I could only have it back if I wrote an honest apology. 

Well, this is honest. Meaghan never existed. No one was ever in the hospital or had an eating disorder or gastroparesis or tried to kill themselves or went into a coma or had a transplant or what freaking ever. Ethan is also fake as you probably have guessed.

I had fun doing this and i don't care that you know. I would've continued with this if that girl never found out. I have power over you all because you believed me for over a year. 

Oh and btw, Miyun never hacked the account. She didn't. I framed her just like half of the blue revolvers thought. I'm the one that wrote the burn books on the blue revolvers account and nope people didn't send in most of that, that's all what I thought about you all. I'm not sorry that I framed her either because heck she's just as horrible as i am. I like my horribleness though. I like screwing with people.

Jake, the original hacker, yeah he never existed either. That was me too. Basically everything that happened to the blue revolvers account, was me. 

I'm just a teenage girl and I had you all fooled, and I don't care either. Have any questions for me or meaghan than hit me. I have my computer back now. 

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