The Unknown Truth Revealed

Start from the beginning

"Go to your pen, wolves." Minhyuk says as my wolf friends walk towards a miniature cave by the corner.

When was that there? I never took notice of it.

"Like the cave? It's the same as your cage." Minhyuk gives me an evil smirk.

"Now that we're alone, I can think of ideas on how to use them for special purposes."

"Hmm. Maybe I can use you as their little.... chew toy." Minhyuk thinks as I panic inside.

"Actually, I won't do that until father gets here." He says as my eyebrows furrowed.

"Father?" I ask. "I thought King Changmin had.... passed away." I say cautiously.

"Oh. You didn't hear the entire story yet." Minhyuk scowls at me, putting his pen down.

"There's more to the story, and what you heard is just a cover up. The real story begins right after my so called father had died." Minhyuk glared.

"You sound like-"

"Yes, I hate him." he cuts in.

"But why?"

"I wish he was really dead, whether he likes it or not" he spats.

"Dead? Isn't he already... dead?" I asked, really confused.

"Oh well, I suppose you'll have to wait and see the surprise. You'll be so shocked, you'll wish you'd die as well." he says as I glare at him, feeling insulted.

"What the heck are you talking about?" I ask harshly. My father is the best one a girl like me could ever have.

"That was how I felt when I heard the news from mom. And what's even worse: I found out that he's the reason why uncle made mom and I isolated to Earth. I wish. He. Was. DEAD!" Minhyuk yells, punching the table with a loud 'bang!'

I watch Minhyuk lose his mind a bit, until he calms down and sits limply on the table.
"Now that I have you, I'm sure he'll come to rescue you." Minhyuk says sadly.

"What did he even see in that woman? I thought he loved mom." Minhyuk mumbles as his words echo in the room as he cries.


So King Changmin didn't pass away. He's the reason why Minhyuk and his mother were isolated into earth, and what woman?

Is she another woman? Another woman... He didn't love his first wife....

Does that mean he's cheated on his wife and was in love with another woman?

And rescuing me? Why would a Cursian king come and rescue me?

I don't even know him, let alone seen him before!

I remember dad's words, and they brought me to a realization.

'They're permanent.' dad said as he saw my tattoos. How did he know that they were permanant? And how come mom doesn't know about them?

'It's a mixture of Ekso and Cursa, the old languages of the two planets. It's amazing how you can read it.' Cursa? I've never learned Cursa in my life, and somehow I can only make up a little bit of the words instead of Ekso, whereas I could read more.

And I'm sure I've seen both languages before.

I've defitnitly seen Ekso from my mom's old family books, but where have I seen Cursa?

I randomly thought back to when I was a child, and how my family would have gatherings and meetings.

I never really cared about them, but I've noticed how mom's siblings and relatives seemed to dislike and hate my dad for some reason.

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