and so it begins. . .

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At EXO Planet, something terrible and villainous is coming. And when the time comes, sacrifices will be made.

Will the legendary one appear as legend told? Or will the Exopians fall under the rule of evil Minhyuk?

future chapters to come to determine the character's fate:

❝ battle cry × xiumin - Those who go to war know that they fight for something worth fighting for

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❝ battle cry × xiumin - Those who go to war know that they fight for something worth fighting for. ❞

❝ run × luhan - Those who go to war know when to run forward or retreat

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❝ run × luhan - Those who go to war know when to run forward or retreat. ❞

❝ blood shed × kris - Those who go to war know that it's either you or him that falls

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❝ blood shed × kris - Those who go to war know that it's either you or him that falls. ❞


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EXO IS IN LOVE WITH ME?!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora