Tao ~ Costumes

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*buing buing*

Curious of the weird sound, I look up to see an adorable Tao with a stuffed panda in his arms. Gege made another 'buing buing' sound, and then I realized that he was doing aegyo for me.

I laughed, then said, "Gege you're already cute and your panda makes you look like a little kid."

"Did it make you happy?" Gege said.

"Sort of." I replied while Tao gave me a face. "Fine. yes, it did."

"The panda makes me cute, doesn't it?"

"Yea it does. It almost looks cuter than you gege."

"Hey!" Gege said. I chuckled and said again, "Almost. I said almost."

"Fine. Am I cute?"

"Yes you are gege. But it feels weird saying that 'you're cute' to a guy who's older than you."

"Yea I know. But I just wanted to hear it from you."

I blushed, and Tao gege's cuteness wasn't helping. I ended up cooing at him and squishing his cheeks, which he complained about.

But little did I know that we were being watched, and that our every little move was being observed far away.

Park Sarang, you



It's been a few days since our awesome plan was formed. Exo and I were in the newspaper room, printing out flyers for the Halloween party.

Tao gege is so smart!!! Why haven't I thought of that before?! I love Halloween and candy, plus the treats and a little bit of the tricks.

Dressing up in costumes is so fun, and you get tons of candy!!! XD

Xie xie Tao gege!!!

"You guys done printing the last bunch yet?" Chen asked.

"Yup, almost done hyung!" Sehun replied.

"Yes! I can't believe that there's gonna be a Halloween party!!!!" I spazzed. "ASSA!!!!"

"I know right? Candy, here I come!" Luhan gege said, excited.

"I wonder how much candy I'll get." Chanyeol said, day dreaming.

"Yah! Help us instead of just sitting there!" Suho said, scolding

"Hyung, I'm tired. We've been walking all over the school to get volunteers for food and everything." D.O replied, whining.

"What's so hard about standing and picking up paper from the printing machine?" Suho asked.

"It's very hard." D.O said sarcastically.

"Come on! Where's your spirit Kyungsoo-ah! Just thinking about Halloween makes me super excited!!!" I said, trying to lift up his mood.

"I don't have. Any spirit, and I didn't want to do this in the first place."

*gasp* "so mean! You don't want any candy?!" I said loudly, walking towards him.


"Well, you're a weird person." I said, leaning towards him. "But I'll make you like Halloween."

Kyungsoo's eyes grew wide as he too, leaned back from his chair.
"R-Really? I'd like to see you try."

"Ok I will. And in the end, if you think that Halloween sucks, maybe I'll do a little something until you admit it. I know your darkest secret." I replied with a smirk.

"And it is....?" Kyungsoo asked.

"It's a secret. And besides I can't tell you so easily. Later, owl eyes." I said in a playful tone.

As I went back to help my chingus with the printing, I heard a loud 'YAH!' from a raged Kyungsoo.

Haha serves him right :P

"Looks like you got him." Tao gege said, smiling.

"Yea. I got him good. Thanks for the info, gege." I replied, giving my panda gege a smile.

"Any time." He smirked.

The day Tao gege showed me himself posing with the cute panda [which he also named Xiao Tao] I asked him of some of the members' darkest secrets.

It was for some fun and some possible blackmailing of I had to. So far I know that Lay gege is sensitive to his neck, and of you blow on his neck, he'll break down laughing.

The EXO members all mostly hate bugs, and some have different phobias.

Luhan gege has acrophobia, the fear of heights, and germaphobia. Suho-sshi is scared of many things; he's very delicate.

But from Tao gege, I have heard Kyungsoo's deepest secret. And it's hilarious.

He's afraid of being tickled, and Kyungsoo is ticklish.

I was laughing so much once Tao gege told me that; I laughed until my stomach hurt. Tao joined in, laughing with me, until D.O came and asked what the fuss was about.

Which made me laugh more.

So, if I ever need to blackmail Kyungsoo, then I can tickle him to death! But I've heard that no one, even Kris or Xiumin is able to tickle him, since they're scared of Kyungsoo's massive strength.

And only Kai was the only one able to, since he teleported everywhere.

"Sarang-ah? Hello?" Someone waved their hand in front of my face.

"Ah ne?" I said, turning around to face Tao gege.


Tao gege poked my cheek, chuckling. "What were you thinking about mei mei?"

"Nothing." I said, shaking my head.

"Now, let's get to work, ok?"

"Ok gege."

"Oh how about a haunted house?! I mean since the Halloween party is like a treat, what about a trick?" I suggested.

"I'll come with you Sarang-ah!" Sehun and Chanyeol hyung said at the same time, glaring at each other.

"Haha I mean that we should make one. Oh but the expenses.... It's gonna be expensive. And we already need to buy decorations for the party....Never mind."

"It's ok Sarang-ah. We can build it. Our school's the most richest and the most famous, isn't it?" Suho said. "And my family could donate some money too."

Rich Suho as usual. One of the reasons why he's so awesome.

"Jinja?! Then, can we start building in the next few days?" I asked.

"I'll get some workers to work on it. Just give me blue prints."

"Ne! I'll go get someone for the designs."

"Pick me!" Kris gege said, walking into room.

EXO all started laughing, our hands on our stomachs. It was just too funny to them.

"What?! I'm an artist!" Kris fumed.

"But have you seen your drawings?!" Chanyeol yelled, laughing.

"Ok guys, hajima. Kris is an artist himself, as he said, even if he's not very...... Experienced." I said, trying to comfort Kriscasso.

"Yea she's right. I'm not a horrible artist, I'm just inexperienced." Kris gege said.

* 30 minutes later.....


Ah we finished passing out the flyers! I'm so tired!

I had to use aegyo at times since Suho hyung wanted us to portray a cute image despite that it was a Halloween party.

I'm going to pick my costume with my hyungs, dongsaengs, and Sarang after school, since we all didn't know what costume we wanted.

"Everyone, kaja! Let's go to find our costumes!" Suho hyung excitedly said, leading the way.

We were all tired from running all over the school, posting the flyers all over the school and giving them out. We even got the teachers funding for it since they thought that it was a 'magical' and fun idea.

I really think that this will be successful, and that everyone would have a good time.

We all entered a dark and spooky store, which had rows of costumes on hooks, waiting to be chosen.

Most of my hyungs sped off to search for the perfect costume while I just strolled with he younger ones.

"Hey that looks just like you Tao hyung!" Sehun said, pointing to a panda mask on a shelf.

"My brother!!" Lay gege said, grabbing a unicorn mask.

"Ahh! It's a cat! Get it away from me!!!" Xiumin gege said, panicking and pointing at a cat.

The cat was real, not a mask nor costume. It was walking slowly on its four legs, tail up high. It was a pure white cat, just walking. Around through the store.

"Do you not like cats?" A girl asked.

I realized that it was a worker here, and Xiumin gege shook his head.

"That's sad. Cats are an essential part of Halloween, although Pearl isn't exactly what you call a Halloween cat. You know, those black cats?" The worker said.

"But can you take it so ethers else please???" Xiumin gege asked.

"For your request, yes sir." The worker said before scooping Pearl up into her arms and walking away.

"Ok what about this costume?" Luhan gege said, all dressed up in a deer costume.

"Where were you this entire time?" We all chorused.

"Finding a costume. I found this and thought that it was cute and I wore it. So? What do you guys think?" Luhan gege asked.

"It looks nice, gege. Wait! We can be animal buddies!" I said, quickly grabbing the panda costume and running to the changing rooms.

I quickly changed into my panda costume and ran out to find Luhan gege.

"Buddy!!!" Luhan gege said, engulfing me into a hug.

"We're the animal twins!" ^.^ I replied. "Where's everyone else?"

"They're either looking for costumes or fooling around, like those people over there." Luhan gege said, pointing to Baekhyun and Chanyeol hyung.

They're so childish..... Maybe I'm just mature. I thought.

"Yea! I got my costume!!!" Baekhyun hyung yelled, holding up a mask.

"What.... Is it?" Chanyeol hyung asked, confused.

"Yah! Don't you remember??! It's Pororo Chanyeol!"

"Ohhhhhh. But where's Kai? He might want a Kkrong costume."

"I already found it!" Kai yelled, running towards us. "Luhan hyung, Tao hyung, are you guys buying those costumes?"

"Nah, probably not. I want something manlier, like a super hero." Luhan gege said, taking off to find another costume.

"I-I might keep this one. Kai, do you think this costume is too childish?" I asked.

"Ani. It looks nice." Kai replied bluntly. "I'm gonna look for Sarang and ask if she found her costume yet."

"Suho hyung! I found something cool!" Lay gege said, gawking at the scary Halloween decorations.

"Lay, what?" Suho hyung said.

Suho hyung screamed, seeing the horror of the giant spiders and the zombies. Lay gege just stood there, fascinated.

Sehun and Kai started laughing at our scaredy-cat leader, who was easily frightened.

And a few minutes later, one by one, my hyungs came out, all dressed up so differently.

Suho hyung is a bat, Xiumin hyung a zombie, Lay ge a doctor, Kai a wolf, Baekhyun hyung a ghost, Chanyeol hyung a dog, Chen hyung a reaper, D.O hyung is Pororo, Sehun is batman, Luhan ge is a cop, and finally, Kris ge is a basketball player.

[ sorry for the lame costume ideas :| ]

Sarang came out too, but she was in her uniform. "Sarang-ah! Where's your costume?" My hyungs and I asked.

"It's a secret. And you guys will see it on the day of the dance. Arasso?" Mei mei replied.

Whatever Sarang mei mei was going to be, it got me excited to see one of my favorite dongsaengs dressing up.

What might she be? An animal? A superhero? A beauty? Or a supernatural creature?

I can't wait for Halloween!


Ok, I tried to quickly update all 3 of the fanficts just rn. I just hope it doesn't sound weird to you, since I didn't proof read it yet.

I need things to pick up a pace here, I'm so slow at updating now since I have a bit of writers' block and that I'm busy being distracted by EXO and YouTube vids, as well as dramas.

Ok, I'll shut up now.

Anticipate for the next chapter, which hopefully, will be updated faster this time.



EXO IS IN LOVE WITH ME?!!Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat