The Seal

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Park Sarang ~ you

"How can we just suddenly find where the Air of Gold is located?" I asked. "It's doesn't make sense."

"I'm not sure. When Hyun Woo oppa and I found each other by the teleports, we tried again and just ended up here." Hyo Ra unnie explained.

"Are you two sure it's in this cave?" Kris oppa asked.

"We're sure." The siblings chorused.

"Sarang?" Suho oppa asked.

"The cave top... the words are written in Cursian. And it says that this is the cave that we've been looking for." I say, confirming it.

"But how can we be sure? What if this is a fake... cave?" Baekhyun asks as Chen says, "Baek hyung! Can you stop it? Even as a troll, I won't go this far! Oh then... What if that cave is the right one?" He says, pointing to... another cave behind us.

Our mouths dropped and we couldn't believe that Baekhyun was actually correct even though he had intended jokes.

"Ha! You see? I was right." Baekhyun says smugly, crossing his arms.

"I'll go and check it out." I volunteered and hovered towards the other cave.

Instead of the gold letters on the first cave, this one read, "Sanctuary of Certain Fate" in black smokey letters. I furrowed my eyebrows.

So... There's two caves, with similar names but different appearances. This reminded me of the twins that we just left behind at their mansion. I shuddered a bit, and wondered how we were going to get what we needed.

If Pyeong Hwa was the inventor of the Air of Gold, then Jae An would too. I remembered that Jae An told me that every invention he created were complete opposites. What would be the opposite of air? Apparently, it's certain fate.

I looked back behind me, and the large group was still waiting there. I flew back, and explained everything that I just thought of.

"What if we're looking for something tangible?" Lay he asked as I agreed with him.

"That was one of my thoughts." I added. "Unnie? Oppa? What do you guys think?"

"We should split up." Hyun Woo oppa said. "And see what are in the two caves."

"I agree, but I think opposites should go with each other." Hyo Ra unnie says as the members start nodding.

"Uh guys? I see something." Xiumin oppa says, pointing to something shining in the distance. We all quickly surrounded it, and realized that it was a ivory scroll full of instructions. After I memorized the text, the black letters on the scroll bled, revealing a new scroll- one with white letters on ebony black paper. I memorized that one as well.

Of course the twins would've done something like this. I really didn't get it. Two caves, two pieces of instructions, two groups... But if I counted everything, our entire group had 15 people. And 15 is an odd number...

Maybe one of us has to stay behind.

I stood back to examine our group. "At first it is concealed, but the power is real. All will travel to far away lands, and at one destination, find a seal." I murmured.

I felt like I was in a daze. Flashbacks of the members holding the precious orbs of the twins... I saw a few members look at me in worry, and an idea popped into mind.

"I-I got it!" I yelled as the group turned to look at me.


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