blood shed × kris

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Those who go to war know that it's either him or you that falls.

When Kris saw his brothers fall, Kris saves them even though Kris falls himself.

( ' = telepathy or thoughts ; " speech or conversation )

Ace returned to my side shortly after as he excitedly said that he had led the Batlions to their doom as he swiftly confused them into flying into space, where they disintegrated.

"Great job Ace. That's my boy." I said in Dragonese as the youngling beamed at me.

"Thank you your majesty."

"I told you to call me Kris."

"Thank you Kris-san."

"That's more like it. Anyways, I need you to secure this area and make sure there's no Balions left. There will be a group of our soldiers resting here later and I don't want any of them to become a Balion's meal."

"Yes Kris-san." And with that, Ace zoomed, leaving nothing but a cloud as he left to search around the area.

A large flash of red and the shriek of lightning had caught my attention as two figures fell from the air, and a cry for help was muffled from a fall.

I recognized the voice.

Flying towards the commotion silently, I changed into human form mid-flight and hid behind some trees, peeking at what it seems to be a kidnap.

"Hurry up you doofs!" The tallest demon said, his two helpers struggling with the heavy youngling. "We need to take him to His Majesty quickly!"  

"But boss! He's so heavy!" the one with the shorter blue hair remarked.

"The only heavy thing is going to be your head when you won't have one!"

"Boss, I can't find him..." the bigger one spoke as the boss put both hands on his waist.

"Why can't these two doofs do anything that's asked of them? Is it too hard to do?" the boss muttered.

"Did you say something boss?" the shorter one asked as the boss exploded with, "No you fool! Now let me find him. If I find him, you two are dead."

The two minions step aside, letting their boss look for the rider of the youngling.

Oh shoot. I had been so busy looking at the three demons that I failed to look at the youngling. If there was a youngling of any sort nearby, I would figure out what their name is and who's their rider.

In this case, I just witnessed the fall of Loki, Luhan ge's youngling. But if Loki's here, then where's Luhan?

'Luhan ge, are you alright?'  I asked with telepathy, but no answer.

'Loki.' I called the unconscious youngling. He opened an eye and gave me a little smile and the demons didn't take notice.

'Are you ok? Is your wing hurt? You had a pretty great fall.' I mentioned as he pretended to be unconscious and said, 'I'm not so fragile, your Majesty. But I feel like I've hurt my left wing just a bit from the fall. I'm not sure if I could fly if it's sprained... Oh! And I think that Luhan-san is hurt too. He fell onto the ground instead of on me as we fell. But he's ok your Majesty. I've kept him hidden under my arm and wing so that those dumb demons won't be able to find him.'

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