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Hyo Ra ~

'Butterfly~ Butterfly~ Butterfly like a butterfly...' the sound was so soothing. It sounded like a complete heaven for me. That butterfly was the light. If I could reach it, I could have what I wanted in the first place.


So much power.

I needed the power to control my life. All my life I've been lied to; I felt like I was living a lie the first day that I knew how to think. I had a feeling that my life on earth was all a hoax- it was created so that I would be concealed from the truth.

It was them- the war that occurred to the Exopians and my people that made me live this way. They were the ones who made all this happen.

No, wait. I... know it's not their fault but...

That butterfly, it's flying away. I can't catch it because I'm not fast enough. Don't fly away. Come back.

Please don't fly away from me.


<< The Storyteller's View >>

Meanwhile, as Hyo Ra struggles with her internal dilemma about gaining power, her actions are not what it seems.

To the group of Exopians, they could not explain why Hyo Ra was moving towards the light. Nor could the oldest tell why the girl was speaking of a mysterious butterfly.

"Is Hyo Ra noona ok?" Tao asked, confused.

"I don't know," Xiumin said, "But she's talking about some butterfly flying away from her."

"Wait. Why is she turning around?" Chen asked, wary.

"Is she going to do something to us?" Kai asked as Luhan and Chanyeol put their arms out to make distance from the girl whose eyes are starting to glow a light blue color.

Hyo Ra is still stuck in that dream like state- that nightmare she wishes to escape. But she can't, not without the butterfly.

The butterfly is causing a hallucination in Hyo Ra's mind, and only she can be the one to choose.

To go on the right path or obtain that power.

And destroy all for what it means to gain that power of the butterfly.

However, in the Sanctuary of the Air of Gold, the boys were (believe it or not) still attacked by the rather large and golden pigeons.

Lay, who was the first to run away had tried to hide behind a mountain of golden unicorn plushies, with no help at all because he saw a pigeon; which sent him running and saying, "I'm scared!"

Xiumin did the same, but they couldn't outrun the domestic flying birds.

Their powers didn't work as Kris had hoped because he could've helped everyone and fly them all to safety.

At the same time, Hyo Ra's mind is taken over by the thought of the butterfly. As I have said, it is controlling her old desire for power, causing her to... gosh how should I say this...

Fight amongst the exopians of her group. Hyo Ra thinks that the teenagers are the ones standing in her way to gain that imaginary power she's always wanted. Now you see, this has become so much more dangerous, considering how Hyo Ra might kill the poor boys, unless she snaps out of it.

Oh where is the heroine when you need her? Park Sarang! Sarang? Where are you????

Wait! I suddenly see a light! It's so bright it's blinding me!

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