Sarang ~ Captain Hook & Hanboks

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But why was I feeling warm when she smiled at me too?

Or even when she's not looking at me, or even ignoring me?

I even sit next to her in History class and she doesn't even blink at me.

Wait. Am I craving her upmost attention on me?

But she does look very... sweet and delicate and pretty.

I bet that when she's smiling or laughing, she'll look very cute indeed.

W-What is this feeling? W-Why are my thoughts all scrambled and crazy?

I take another look at the girl, and my eyesight shows a red tint.

'Am I going insane?' I asked myself, shaking my head.

A few girls near me look at me in worry as I give them a polite nod.

I seriously need to leave.

I log off the computor and stand up and make my way out of the library as fast as possible.

Some of the girls get up and follow me too, but I ignore them.

What's wrong with me???

What's happening??

Why am I so confused?

Do.... I like her even though I don't know her?

~ Lee Minhyuk

Sarang ~ you

We found out a lot of information from the books and our 'Magical' Google.

It's now Friday, and the guys and I already finished our lunch.

"Can I go to thee treehouse today?" I ask.

"Of course you can." Kris says, smiling.

"Well I'm going to the treehouse today, anyone wanna join?" I asked.

"We're coming too!" Kai said.

"Wait! We wanna come with you!" Sehun yelled, running next my side.

We all put our lunch trays away, and hurried to EXO'S beloved treehouse.

Sehun and Chen hurried to my side so that I could transport them.

"You guys are such meanies!" I said as we transported into the treehouse.

'On second thought...' I thought of a plan.

With Sehun and Chen still holding my hands, I quickly teleported to where the rest of the guys were.

"Annyeong!" I said to the two as I gave them a 'merong.'

"Yah!" they yelled as I disappeared.

"Serves you two, trying to use her at your advantage." I hear Kyungsoo say.

Truth is, is that I've mastered another skill and power. 


And using it is seriously so fun. I can just basically do what I want.

I poked Kyungsoo's shoulder, and he turned around to look at nothing.

I gave Chanyeol a small push, and Xiumin accused his dongsaeng for bumping into him.

I poked Suho's shoulder, and that's when he started lecturing them.

"Guys, I know you guys want to play, but whoever it is, stop it." he said sternly as I silently giggled.

EXO IS IN LOVE WITH ME?!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora