Chen~ The Past Inside Him

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Kai quickly pulled me into a small alley, hiding us behind some boxes. Luckily the girls didn't seem to notice where we went. I heard shrill voices of confusion as the girls ask each other where Kai was.

But Kai pulled me closer to him, hugging me with my head on his chest. His left arm was around my waist, and the other hand was holding the back of my head. I could hear his heartbeat, and it was beating really fast.

I blushed and turned away from Kai so he wouldn't see me. We were in such a romantic/ awkward position like the ones I would see in my mangas. •////////•


Kim Jongdae ~

I went to pick up Kai and Sarang when Kai called me 20 minutes ago.

Kai said that he was spotted by fans. Stupid dongsaeng. He should've been more careful in public; there could be rumors that will spread because of a little mistake such as this.

I went to pick them up and dropped Sarang near her house.

"So.... what happened Kai? Is Sarang alright?" I asked.

"After Sarang woke up, I took her to eat some food since she was exhausted. Don't worry hyung, Sarang's fine. The nurse told me that her energy was drained after not eating and using too much of her powers on the first day."

'That's a relief.'  I thought.

"Ah kudo kuna?"


"Chen hyung, is practice over yet?" Kai asked as I shook my head.

"Ani. There's still some time left. I just quickly came to pick you up."

"Oh ok hyung."

"You know you're 30 minutes late right? Instructor Lee's gonna be mad at you Kai."

"So what hyung? You know that Lee hyung likes me the best because I'm the dancing machine of the group."

"No he doesn't. But you're gonna get a punishment from him dongsaeng. I heard that he's gonna make you do some extreme dancing boot camp."

"Yah hyung! Stop trolling!"

"I'm not."

"Yes you are!"

"No I'm not!"

"You are!"

"No I'm not!!"

Kai and I kept arguing about the boot camp thing, even though we both knew that I was trolling.

As we arrived at the company, we practiced for a few hours, ate dinner, and went back to our dorm.

And now here I am in bed, wondering about Kai and Sarang.

"♪ I'm so curious ~ yeah ♪"

I decided to sing Shinee sunbaenim's song Sherlock since it matched my.... curiousness.

"Chen-ah, what are you so curious about?" Suho hyung asked, drying his wet hair as he sat down on his bed.

"Nothing hyung."

"You sure it's nothing?"

"Ne hyung."

"Hyung, you're curious about Sarang kudechi?" Kai asked, overhearing my conversation with Suho hyung as his head popped through the door.

"A-aniya dongsaeng. What are you talking about?" I stammered.  

"Yeah sure hyung. You're curious alright." Kai smirked.

"Shut up Kai."

"Admit it Chen hyung. Or shall I say Kim Jongdae hyungnim."

"Yah Kim Jongdae, do you wanna die?" I asked, throwing a pillow at him.

"Chen, don't throw the pillow." Suho said.

"No I don't want to die! I'm too young to die!" Kai playfully said, throwing the pillow back as I dodged it.

"You too Kai." Suho warned.

"You're gonna die Jongin!" I said loudly and threw the pillow again.

"Try hitting me hyung!" Kai said, a pillow landing in his place. Kai was now standing near me, a smirk on his face.

"Hey, no powers are allowed!" Suho hyung commanded.

Kai teleports and grabs the pillow. I catch it in midair as he threw it, and threw it back at him, giving the pillow a little lightning shock.

It hits Kai, and he yelps.

"Oww hyung, that hurts!" Kai laughed and the pillow was flying in the air again.

Suddenly, cold water splashes on our faces and we saw a pissed off Suho hyung.

"Did you two not hear me saying that no powers are allowed? What if the lightning sets the pillow on fire and it burns the dorm down? What if a human saw you teleporting in the dorm? The window isn't covered for god's sakes Jongin." Suho hyung said, pointing towards the open window without looking. "Although our dorm is in the school, it is still considered very close to humans. Be thankful that we live on the twelfth floor, where no one can see us. And I said no pillow throwing!

EXO IS IN LOVE WITH ME?!!Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum