Kris ~ Fighting the enemy

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"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to PCJ High's first annual Halloween party!" Hyun Woo's voice boomed through the room. Everyone looks around the room to look for him, but he wasn't anywhere in sight.

"Haha." Hyun Woo chuckled, suddenly at the stage. "It's a shame, really."

Hyun Woo slowly walks into the front of the crowd, as students gather their courage and tried to protect each other. "That we have to ruin your little party." He laughed. The students move backwards, as the group of monsters walk towards the end of the room.

We, the entire school, was trapped in the middle. We're going against someone who's power crazy, someone who's evil and smart, and a whole band of monstrous people. And killers I should add.

The horrifying group, is all filled with hatred and hunger, hunger for power.

~ Park Sarang



The next few hours was complete chaos.

Hyun Woo and Hyo Ra yelled out battle cries and started attacking the entire school, who were all in the auditorium. Shrieks, yells, sounds of battle, pain, blood, and power filled the entire room.

With our instincts to fight, we fought. We fought with our best, hoping that we could all kill the monsters and keep each other alive. Every student was using their powers, defending themselves and the others around them, and attacking the enemy.

Most of us were back to back, playing offense or defense in this chaotic war. Helping others, defending everyone they can, destroying as much as they could.

Baekhyun, who was right next to me, blinded the monsters with his power of light, which gave us time to destroy them. Tao on the other hand, had his sword [which appeared out of nowhere] and froze time to kill the monsters.

Luhan moved objects to hit the monsters [with the disco ball and other things], and Sehun used his wind powers to blow away, creating a force field around him.

Suho traps the monsters in giant water orbs and throws them outside and through the roof. Xiumin froze every monster and Chanyeol killed [ burned ] them with his fire abilities.

D.O creates an earthquake and smashes monsters at each other with their heads, and Lay is protected by other students while healing the injured.

Kris is flying, shooting arrows [i don't know where they came from either] from the inside and outside. He told me that there were many more outside, and that's when I started to panic.

Many students were already injured, and we're all getting tired. The monsters have an advantage, since they're stronger than we are; but we fight back furiously.

Kai is teleporting everywhere and slaying monsters with his scythe, and Chen summons lightning to shock the monsters outside.

I was trying to kill every monster with all my powers, but I'm scared if they'll find out all of our weaknesses. I blew them away, slowed time down, made waves of water wash monsters away; hit monsters with large objects.

This isn't chaos anymore - it's war.


Narrator's POV:

Far away on another planet, 12 elders are watching the war unfold through their magical orb. They're in frenzy, wishing that the school could defeat the beasts. They watch the students and their grandchildren fightand protectfor their lives.

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