Chapter 17

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Editor~Chan... Grammarly has a beta on docs and I checked the story.  It's finished yet and there were 612 mistakes... 612!!!!!! I write fast and don't go back to check those dumb mistakes like i and I... BUT 612!!!!! (Editor~Chan: I already quit ¯\_(ツ)_/¯) I don't think you can quit a job you never really did ಠ_ಠ. 

Reiner woke. He felt better than earlier today. He got out bed. He went over to Jay's side. His hand touched the bed as he felt for her. She wasn't there. "Jay?" he asked. Reiner knew she must have still been awake, or asleep on the couch. Reiner headed downstairs. Ymir was still content on reading her book by candlelight. "Where is Jay?" Ymir responded without looking up, "Can't tell you." Reiner knew. Jay had gone to the Skiz fight.

Reiner eyed Jean. Jean had been so happy after the trip to see his family. Something about his was off. He smiled a bit more. But what really ticked Reiner off the most was Jean was talking to Jay more. Jay was Reiner's and he wasn't sharing. Reiner didn't like to admit that he was a very jealous person. Plus, Jay was being softer on Jean, he was usually the one she was worst on and Reiner was usually treated the softest. He saw that Jean and Jay were talking and eating at a table. Reiner grabbed food and sat across from them, listening in to see what was going on. "What section will we be in for the Eren mission?" Jean asked. "You guys will be on the left side." Jay took a drink. " I will be at Eren's side the whole time."

Reiner walked down the dark street. Noise came from a back alley. Reiner walked to it and started to go in. "Hold it, sir." The bouncer said. Reiner looked to him. The bouncer was a bit taller than Reiner and looked buffer. "Where is your spouse?" "Look, my wife is in there." Reiner pointed inside. A hand was placed gently on Reiner's shoulder. "Sorry about my husband, he has some mental issues." (Editor-Chan: I wish that were true, so Jane can stay with Jay) Reiner didn't dare look back at the person talking. It was a male talking. His voice smooth, older. It was gentle. "Alright." The bouncer let them in. After they walked a few feet, Reiner looked back at the man who had helped him. Reiner was a bit speechless to see someone who had changed so much in such little time of separation. Reiner looked at his glow up in shock. Lance Calsworth.

Jay sat on her horse. Eren was right next to her. She was placed on his right. Eren leaned over to talk to her, "Thank you for being right here. I trust you closely and will you guide me through this the right way? Corporal Levi is constantly watching me." Eren seemed a bit uneasy. Jay gave him a warm smile. "Ya I will don't worry though, Levi isn't as bad as you think once you really get to know him." The bell rang throughout the town. The Scouts on the horses ran out the gate. Once opened to the outer wall, they split into their formation. "Annie better be quick on her move." Jay thought. After miles they found titans. Most were away from the back center, where Eren was located. A titan was seen coming up from diagonally behind Eren and them. "Captain! I got the titan!" Jay yelled at Levi. He looked back to her, "Are you sure?" "Yes," Jay confirmed. She stood up on her horse and shot back to the titan, keeping low. An eight meter. Jay cut at the right Achilles tendon. The titan fell forward and Jay curved up swerving from the left to cutting its nape through to the right. Jay shot back to her horse and rode alongside them. She hid her arm in the green cloak. It had a burn on it. She quickly healed it. Levi looked back at her again, "Zoe! Go to your squad! They might need some backup! Remember they are only 104th cadets after all." Jay nodded. She pulled the leather reins of her horse and gave Eren a nod telling him he would be fine. Jay rode off the left side of the formation to her squad. She half expected those idiots to be dead. She saw that there was a titan running after them. She shot up with a perfect eye of the nape. She dove in hard, slicing the nape perfectly. She landed on the ground and jumped on her horse. Jean, Armin, and Reiner had looked back at her. "Are we doing good, Squad Leader?" Jean asked. "Well, you're not dead yet so that's an accomplishment of some type." A few loud stomps came from behind. It was the Female Titan. She had reached down and grabbed Jay's cloak, lifting her up. "Go without me!" She yelled to the boys. Armin and Reiner obeyed, turning to run forward. Jay started cutting into the female titan's hand the exact place where Eren was. Jean had stayed back. He swung up to rescue her. "No! Jean save yourself!" Jay yelled. She was faking some tears for the act. Jean was up to the female titan's hand and started to pry Jay out. Jean eventually got a good grip and got her out. He held Jay close to him and he got back to his horse. He rode with one hand, the other keeping Jay close to him. "Thank you," Jay said. "I promised I would never leave you," Jean replied. They caught up to Armin and Reiner. When Reiner saw them his face started to grow red with anger, but he kept his cool. Jay jumped on her own horse and rode close to Reiner. He leaned over and whispered, "Did you get it down?" "No, Jean got me out to quick. You will have to finish writing it, I have to go, no time to tell you where Eren is." Jay turned to go back to Eren and Levi. She felt ashamed she couldn't finish telling Annie where Eren was located.

Attack On Titan: War of Titansحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن