Chapter 1

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Italicized text is backstory. Normal text is current time. Remember! Please ask permission to use my characters. Every character used, not in the original Anime/Manga is my own! Thank you Kira_Werewolf (a.k.a Jane)

----------------------------------------------Spoiler Warning In Future!---------------------------------------

The sword slashed through the nape of the neck on a ten meter abnormal titan. Jayden landed on the ground perfectly balanced to see the incoming of four horses coming her way. On the front horse was a man with dark black hair, his eyes sharp as he looked at Jayden then at the titan. Closely following behind was another boy. This one on the other hand, had light brown hair. He jumped of the horse and walked up to Jayden with a relieved smile. " I thought we would have lost you since you left the formation." He said with so much relief that the dark-haired boy rolled his eyes in disgust. "Jean I can be in the Scouting Regime without you acting like a father." Jayden replied also rolling her eyes. The third horse appeared with the fourth following close behind, " You might want your horse, he ran back to Levi and me." The dark haired girl said gesturing to the man with dark hair. "Thanks Jane." Jayden replied with a slight smile. Jayden, Jean, Jane, and Levi got on their horses and rode of into the barren land outside of Wall Rose, the land where the people of Wall Maria used to live. Ever since the Colossal titan first appeared outside Wall Maria and destroyed a part of the wall everyone had to fall back to wall Rose.

The Colossal titan appeared a while back and yet again put a hole in Wall Rose. Luckley Eren sealed the hole with his titan form. Although there were still a lot of titans in the city, not forgetting that a disease started to spread since there were many dead bodies. Once the Scout Regiment was done clearing the city from the titans, members of the scouts were able to capture two titans; A 7 meter titan and a 4 meter one. It wasn't long until the Scouts left to another expedition.

As they rode along, Jayden noticed in Levi's eyes there was worry even though his facial expression never really changed. "Captain, what's wrong?" she said firmly. He replied with a worried expression hidden beneath his straight face, "Jane went to go find Jacklyn and Eren then she'll catch up with us, but they are nowhere to be seen." Hanji Zoë, one of the squad leaders (also a member of the group of creepy members) as well as fellow Scout, rushed by on her horse going the opposite way. "I heard there are two new titans by the rear of the formation out on the plains. I must get them. In the name of Science!" Hanji yelled as she whipped by them. "Hanji no!" Levi yelled in return. He yanked his horse around and ran after her.

Jayden heard a faint, high pitched wolf cry in the distance near the woods. "Jane!" She yelled as she jumped off the running horse. "Jay no!" Yelled Jean as he tried to yield his horse. Jayden landed on the ground and changed into wolf form. Her wolf form was an albino wolf that looked as it could tear you to shreds.

The werewolf members of the scouts weren't really werewolves but shape shifters, some had special abilities others didn't. Those abilities were elements that could be controlled by each wolf that had the element, many had 2-3 elements. It was rare to find a shape shifter with a two and a combo of certain elements.

Jayden ran as fast as her four legs could carry her. She ran into the forest full of tall trees that were taller than even most titans you would see roaming these areas. She sniffed the air. She could smell Jane in need. Jay ran for what seemed like miles. Then she came across Jane on the ground. She was in wolf form. Her wolf form was pretty much the same as Jay's but she had black fur and blue eyes, just like the human version of herself. She turned around when she could smell Jayden's scent. They both turned back into humans at the same time. "Jane what's wrong?" Jay said trying to catch her breath from running. Jane replied, "Jacklyn was fighting this titan and she tried to save Eren because his 3D maneuver wasn't working." "Isn't saving Eren Mikasa's thing?" Jay joked trying to lighten the mood. "Funny, but this is serious." Jane complained. Jay rushed over to Jacklyn, "Jacklyn, Your arm, it's seriously injured." "Jay should we take her back to Commander?" Jane said, as a tear ran down her face. Jayden, Jane, and Jacklyn were very close friends. "Yes, Commander should know that part of the formation is broken."

The commander of the Scouting Regime is Erwin Smith. He is one of the best Commanders to walk this planet. He took in three rookies who could use 3D maneuver gear by training themselves. Those three people were Isabel, Farlan, and Levi. On their first mission Farlan and Isabel died by the hands of a titan. Jayden hated when Farlan was brought up. They had been dating for a long time. They were even engaged. That's why Jayden joined the Scouts. She saw her fiance die right before her eyes. She became ill ever since he died. She didn't go on missions for a while. Jay stuck to taking care of horses for almost a year, only going on missions every once and awhile. One day the new recruits from the 104th cadet group came walking in to see their fellow Scouts. That's when all the magic happened. Jay locked eyes with one of the boys in the group. She later found out his name was Jean Kirstein.

Jayden picked Jacklyn up in her arms. Jane, who was shorter than Jay, put Eren's arm around her neck and helped him walk as he regenerated missing limbs. He could after all he was a titan-shifter. "Eren!" Jane yelled as Eren fell to the ground. She picked him back up and the kept walking. "Church." A deep voice said as they exited the forest. Jayden hadn't heard anyone call her that in ages. Church was Farlan's last name and in memory of him she changed her last name to it like she would of if they had gotten married. "What happened, I got a report from Jean that there was broken formation." Commander Erwin said. He looked down at Jacklyn in Jay's arms and then to Eren. "Commander, Jacklyn and Eren went into the forest like instructed. A titan attacked and Eren's gear malfunctioned, they fought but got injured. Jane went looking for them when they didn't return to our squad Sir." Jay explained.

"Then why did you break your part of formation Church."

"I heard Jane's wolf cry for help Sir."

"Load Eren and Jacklyn in the wagon."

"Right away Sir."

They loaded Eren and Jacklyn in the wagon while Erwin got back onto his horse. "Jean still has all your horses so your gonna have to run." He added as he signaled the wagon to start.

Jay stared into the boy's eyes they, reminded her of Farlan's eyes. "Church." Commander Erwin said as he walked up to her. "Show the new cadets where they will be sleeping." Jay did as she was ordered. She lead them through the hallways and up to the rooms. She got everyone except four boys into their rooms, "Come with me, this last room on the right is yours." She gestured to the last room. Three boys went in and called their beds but one stayed out. "I'm Jean." He said as he stuck out a hand for Jay to shake. She shook it. "Jayden, but you can call me Jay." They started talking as she showed him around the building. "What's that?" Jean asked pointing to the ring on her finger. "I was engaged to a man named Farlan Church, but he died before our wedding." she said as a tear ran down her face. Levi came from around the corner and wiped the tear off her face he hugged her for comfort, "Jane was going to be the maid of honor and I was going to be the best man."

Jay and Jane turned into their wolf form and started running. Jane howled with a smile on her face she ran faster. Jay stopped in her tracks. She had heard something. Out of nowhere a wolf attacked Jay. This wolf must of heard Jane's howl. Jay thought. She started fighting back. Jane and the wagon were too far for them to hear Jay's whimpers of pain. She fought and fought until she found a weak spot and killed the wolf. She started to run after Jane and the wagon but fainted and collapsed due to blood loss. Jane kept running for what seemed miles. That's when the found Jean with her horse. "Thanks horse-face!" Jane joked. Jean rolled his eyes, "Hey, where's Jay?" he asked. Jane and Erwin looked behind them. Jay wasn't there. "Oh no," Jane cried. "Another wolf must of heard me howling with happiness and Jay was the rear guard. The wolf must have attacked her!" Jane hopped on her horse and ran back toward the forest and plains. Jean rode right behind her.  

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