Chapter 2

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Jane walked up to her future. Joining the Scout regime was her dream. As she walked up to the building she bumped into a girl. "Sorry." Jane said with a hint of shyness. "Don't worry about it!" replied the girl in a cheerful mood. "I'm Jayden Zoë."

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jane."

"Do you know someone here?"


"My sister, Hanji, is a Scout."


Jayden lead Jane inside, a dark brown headed girl and glasses ran up and hugged Jayden. "Hanji!" Jayden yelled as she hugged her. Jay and Jane ended up sharing a room. "I'll be right back I have to see someone." Jay said quickly as she ran to the door. When she opened the door a tall blonde haired boy was already standing there. Jay jumped into his arms and he spinned her around. "Farlan!" Jay yelled in the boy's arms. "Jay!" The boy yelled back.

Jane and Jean raced back to the spot they last heard Jay. On their way Jane smelled something, "Jean this way!" Jane yelled as she sniffed the air for any trace of Jay. Hanji and Levi were going the opposite way, "Jane where are you going?" Levi asked. His face still expressionless. "Jay is missing and we think she's injured, Captain." Jane replied. "What! Jayden is missing!" Hanji yelled. Hanji would never want her sister to be missing. They all raced after Jane to find Jay. After what seemed like miles Jane found an injured albino wolf. Jean and Hanji were the first to jump off their horses. Then Jane and Levi did and they all crowded around Jay. Her once white fur, was covered with dirt and blood. Jane hopped on her horse as Jean handed her Jay's bloody body. Jane and Levi were clean freaks but right now Jane didn't care. They rode back to the formation. Jay was placed into the wagon while Eren, who had healed, rode her horse all the way back to their home.

Jane cleaned her 3D maneuver gear before she would use it for training the next day. After she was finished she went down to the kitchen to dump the dirty water out. On her way down, she saw Farlan fast asleep on the couch and Jay laying on top of him also fast asleep. They are cute together. Jane thought. When Jane woke up in the morning Jay was already outside taking instructions from a short black haired man. However when Jane got outside. The man was gone. She didn't even get to see his face. After many days training, while Jane was feeding her horse, the most romantic thing happened. Jay was walking over to Commander when, out of nowhere Farlan got down on his knee and proposed to Jay. "Yes, yes, yes, a , million times yes!" She screamed. "Wow," Jane thought. "How many years have they known each other."

As Jane and everyone else made it back safely, Jacklyn and Jay were put in the infirmary. After a few hours Jacklyn was back up to walking. Jay, on the other hand, was patched up with bandages and wasn't awake. She was also still in wolf form. Jean was feeding his horse so Jane was alone in the infirmary with Jay. As Jane looked at her, a transparent figure slowly appeared. As it grew in form it looked like Farlan. That's when Jane saw it. Farlan as a ghost came back to Jay. Farlan bent down and kissed Jay on the head. The door to the room opened and just as it did, Farlan disappeared. It was Levi. "Come on Jane, Jayden is fine," he paused for a moment, "I still believe the ghost of Farlan watches over her because no matter how hurt she gets, she always comes right back to fight again." Levi said as he held out a hand for Jane to grab. She did so. Levi whispered in her ear, "Close your eyes, I have a surprise for you." Jane closed her eyes as Levi lead her down many hallways and outside. Until they reached a gate, "Open your eyes." he said. Jane opened her eyes. She was at the gate leading to the garden. Levi took Jane's hand again as she looked at her surroundings with amazement. She had never seen the garden. They headed up the small hill in the middle of the garden. At the top there was a blanket. Levi and Jane sat down. Levi lied down and gestured for Jane to do the same. As they lay on the ground they talked for what seemed hours as they looked up at the stars. It was a nice clear night. "Farlan showed me this place." Levi admitted. "Wow, It's so beautiful, Farlan must have taken Jay here a lot."

"He did."

"Well I'm glad you brought me here because this is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen."

"I've seen beautifuller." Levi said a minute later. "How!" Jane was very surprised at what Levi said. "I've seen you." Levi said with a small smile.

Jane sat on her horse a bit unsteadily. It was her first expedition outside the walls. She was in the rear guard right next to Jayden. Farlan was in front of them. The bells rang as the gate opened. Jane had always dreamed about killing titans. She thought that they controlled people by scaring and eating them so that they would have hide inside these walls. Jane was nervous. The horses started running out as they took formation. Jay had a smile on her face. "Are you nervous Jay?" Jane asked. " I grew up with Hanji. Titans sort of become your thing when you live with her." She replied as her horse ran a bit faster. Jane and Jay took their formation. After miles of riding, titans started appearing. Because of formation, Jane, Jay, and Farlan were together as a titan approached, Jane felt fear rush into her. It was her first time seeing a titan coming towards them, titans usually to go around wolf packs, using instinct she directed herself the other way. She saw a girl with red-ish hair behind her go towards the titan and Farlan. "Isabel." Jane heard someone behind her say. "The girl must have been Isabel." Jane said quietly to herself. Jane hadn't noticed that she was headed into a forest. She tried to turn around but the forest was too thick. A 5 meter titan approached. Jane was ready for this. She jumped off the horse. The horse ran away in fear, "Darn it! Why did I pick a horse that was a new horse?" She thought. She grabbed her swords. Jane pulled the trigger to shoot her 3D maneuver gear cords so she could get behind the titan. Nothing happened. Her gear malfunctioned, something must have been stuck in there. Impossible! Jane cleaned it last night!. The titan reached It's hand out to grab her when, a figure rushed behind it and cut at the nape of the titan's neck. Blood splashed all over Jane. Jane got very angry. She hated being dirty. She was such a clean freak. The figure swooped around and landed on the titan's head. It was a man, a short one at that, he had jet black hair and grey eyes. He became Jane's all time hero. He stood high on top of his trophy. He jumped off and walked towards Jane. He grabbed a cloth and wiped the blood off Jane's eyes. She saw the man clearly. He was very handsome. "Thanks, I'm Jane by the way." Jane could barely get the words out of her mouth. The man replied, "I'm Levi." 

(a reference image to Jane I do not own this picture and Jane doesn't wear this outfit)

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(a reference image to Jane I do not own this picture and Jane doesn't wear this outfit)

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