Chapter 7

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Well, uh, this is also pretty cringy sorry. I'm just a cringy person I guess. And editor-chan is not helping with that! (Editor~Chan: I HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS ;-;) Well you never changed my wording to be less cringy! (Editor~Chan: Like my writing is any better) I mean we are just really cringy people irl, sooooooo enjoy! 

        me     and     Editor~Chan

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Hanji was pale, she felt almost angry. You could see the exact moment Jean's heart broke.

Dating Jean had been hard for Jay at first. Her first ever boyfriend was Farlan. She had never planned on dating anyone else. She was definitely not the romantic type person. Neither was Farlan. That's why they worked good together. Jean always tried to impress Jay from the start. She had a bad feeling. Maybe, she and Jean weren't meant to be.

Jane was walking behind Levi. They were heading to Jane's pack, and to her parent's house. It was located outside the walls. Commander Erwin said to be careful incase of titans. Jane didn't feel well. She had felt sick the in the morning, but with Jay's death, she was in pain. After almost an hour, they had finally found the pack. The wolves let Jane in, but were sceptical of letting the rest of the Scouts in. After Jane repeatedly said they were friends of hers, they were let in. The finally got to the house. Jane's mom ran out to greet her daughter. So did her father. They took Jane inside and only let Levi in. Jane lay on her old bed as Levi was still downstairs helping get supplies ready. Jane was having her baby.

Jay looked down at her old locket. She knew it was going to be important in the future, but didn't know why. Jay wrote a small note and put it in the locket. She needed to write it and put it in there. Something about it was, necessary.

Jane held up the locket. She examined it closely. She was stopped suddenly when pain strikes her. Jane was having her baby. Levi, and Jane's parents were there helping. Jane's mind wandered. It was hard to concentrate. After hours of hard work and pain, Jane was holding a beautiful baby boy. She smiled a sweet smile as she looked into his bright blue eyes. Jane's parents took the baby downstairs to get him washed. Levi sat on the edge of the bed, "What's his name." he said smiling at Jane. Jane shrugged, too tired to speak. Jane took the locket and opened it. A small piece of paper fell out. "I want to name him this." Jane said trying to smile. Levi took the paper and smiled, "Jace."

"Faster!" Hanji yelled as held onto the sled. Jay pushed harder as she ran faster down the snowy hill. They were just young kids. Innocent. As the neared the bottom of the hill. Jay grabbed Hanji's arm and crashed into the snow. They lay, laughing. "Do you believe in love?" Hanji asked Jay after the long laughter. Jay looked at her. "What do you mean?" Jay asked, confused. "Well, I mean like someone you want to marry." Jay looked to the sky. Her mind though of an answer. "I dunno." She shrugged. "I want to join the Scouts." Hanji said with a sigh. "Hanji, what about mom's wish?" Jay said concerned. "But... titans." Jay looked at the snow. "I'll join the Military Police." Hanji shot up with wide eyes. "Jay, don't sacrifice your life to be one of those lazy pricks." Jay smiled, "I guess, if I were to do any other profession, it be because I love someone enough to not have the world handed to me on a silver platter."

Jane held Jace close to her. He was small and light. Levi was asleep in a chair. So tired that Jace's cries in the middle of the night didn't wake him up. Jane looked at him. He was slightly snoring. Somehow, Jane could see Jay's face in his. They were the closest of friends. Jane's eyes filled with soft, warm tears. Jay was her first friend. But she is dead now. Gone. She sacrificed herself so Jane and Levi could live.

Jay's horse ran across the damp grass of the morning. The trees surrounded her. She was out earlier than anybody in the Scouts. The sun was just rising. Jay smiled, she loved being out here alone. Jay sensed another presence. This presence was not human. Titans. But how? Jay was inside the wall. How did the titan get in. Jay didn't second think it. She pulled her swords from her gear and shot up into the air. She swung around a tree and slashed through it's nape on it's neck. It fell to the ground with a thud. She examined the titan. It was a ten meter titan. She put her hood up when she heard a noise in the distance. She grabbed the harness of her horse and hid him. The noise got louder meaning it was getting closer. It was Jay's first year in the scouts and she was not prepared for this. It was a horse. Jay turned into her wolf form. It was a precaution in case the incomer was not friendly to humans. The horse came into view with a human on it. Jay didn't even look at who it was and jumped, biting the arm of the human. When Jay looked up after biting, her eyes filled with tears. She changed back to human and grabbed her cape off the back of her back and wrapped it on the deep bite wound. "I-I'm so sorry." Tears still ran down her face. "It's-s alright, y-you didn't know who it was." "Just don't leave me." Jay said through the tears. "I will never leave you, even if I'm dead, I will always be at your side." Farlan kissed her.

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