Chapter 15

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Grammarly should sponsor me like I love using their tools to correct my dumb mistakes. (sadly they have not corrected me from sharing this story on Wattpad and we all know that was a mistake so don't use Grammarly till they sponsor me) but they have helped me ten times more than my good for nothing editor has. (Editor~Chan: I quit.) Won't change much but ok. (Editor~Chan: I have loved you unconditionally, Author~Senpai) Oof don't tell Reiner~Kun. (Editor~Chan: HE COULD NEVER LOVE YOU AS MUCH AS I DO!) I mean #janeden am I right. (Editor~Chan: my otp)

Jane walked next to Kira through the crowd of wolves. They were all celebrating Jane's birthday. "Happy Birthday Jane!" Yelled Akito from farther in the crowd. He was trying to get to them despite being shorter than all the other adult wolves and too tall to run in between their legs. He eventually met up with them. "Hey, Kira!" He said as soon as he saw her.

The sun rose over the Wall. Jay looked out the window at the town coming alive. It was dull yet fascinating. "Come on!" She yelled as she grabbed Reiner's hand and raced out. They ran to a stand with a woman working it. She looked as if every bad thing had happened all at once. A toddler ran around outside the stand and she yelled at him. She set out hats and food. Jay walked up to the stand, "Hello!" She smiled. The woman smiled back, "Well nice to see a beautiful young woman like you out this morning." Jay blushed a little on her cheeks making her look cuter. "Thanks! I need a nice hat for my husband." Jay said pointing to Reiner who was talking with an older man at a stand across from them. "Ah! I have just the thing for a young man like him!" She smiled and turned to go in a door behind her stand to go in the building. She came back a minute later with a flat cap. Jay held it up, "This is perfect! Thank you!" She paid the woman and turned to Reiner. She walked over to him, "Reiner," she tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and she held up the flat cap, "Here is your birthday present!" Her smile glistened. Her cheeks blushed the same pink as before. Reiner took it out of her hands and put it on, "Thanks, babe!" He brought her into a hug. They walked down the street together. Reiner sneezed twice before coughing. "Are you ok?" Jay asked. "I'm fine." Reiner sniffed. His face grew red as they walked. "Reiner, are you sick?" She asked. "No I'm fine, I promise, let's just continue with our date." They continued. When they decided to take a break. Reiner went into a small shop. Jay stayed outside. Two military police soldiers came walking by. One of them looked at her with curiosity. Probably a girl with baby pink hair was not normal to these men. The curious one walked up to Jay, "uh, miss, why do you have pink hair?" He asked. Jay knew it. He actually asked though. Most people would just stare and not bring it up. "Why do you have brown hair?" Jay asked in return. She tried to keep her stubborn attitude hidden. "I was born with it." He replied. "Same here," Jay remarked. She always seemed to have a witty remark. The other M.P grabbed the curious one and dragged him away with a quiet sorry not even looking at her. Jay saw something down the road she ran towards it forgetting about Reiner altogether. Reiner stepped out of the small shop and looked around. "Where did she go?" he asked aloud but no one heard him. He slapped his palm to his forehead, "I swear to the Walls have to put a leash on that girl."

Reiner walked down a hallway. He didn't know exactly where it led but he would eventually walk into someone who could help. He was pretty new to the Scouts' grounds even though he had been here for months. He heard a familiar voice. It was one of his roommates, Jean. He was about to turn the corner where he heard Jean when he stopped. Jay was talking to him. Reiner peeked around the corner to see them both standing in the hall talking. "I know I have done a lot of stupid things," Jean was saying. "Yes, lots of stupid things," Jay said looking down at a file of some sorts. "But I'm probably gonna do the stupidest thing I will ever do right now." Jay looked up from the file, "Kirstein, that's impossi-" Jay was cut off by his lips meeting hers. Reiner watched, unable to interrupt, anger fueling him. The anger was soon masked by a river of sadness as Jay kissed back.

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