Chapter 4

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[ I hope you guy had a merry Christmas! Sorry for the delay in publishing this chapter, I promise I will do better.]

Levi laid Jay down in the back of the supply wagon. Her eyes were full of tears. Levi hugged her as a tear ran down his face. He wiped it away and spoke to Jay, "It's okay, everything's fine." he had to lie to Jay. As much as it hurt, he needed her to be safe. Hanji and her horse came running behind, She stopped and got on the wagon with Levi and Jay. "What's wrong!" Hanji said with a worried look on her face. Levi replied in a whisper, "Farlan is dead." Hanji's jaw dropped She went and hugged her sister. Levi got on his horse and rode in front of the wagon until they retreated back home.

Jane and Levi were ready to leave for their honeymoon after the New Year. On New Year's Jane and Jay uncontrollably turned into their wolf forms. They were always chained up for it. Jane was always in control mentally, but since Jay's wolf form was so big especially compared to Jane's, she couldn't control it on New Years. The day of New Year's dawned and Jane and Jay went to the cage. Hanji put a metal collar on Jay as Jane sat down. Jane, of course, was so in control that she didn't need one. Jay slowly became a wolf and so did Jane. Jane looked at the albino wolf with her blue eyes. Jay had three scratches on her eye from the wolf fight between her and the wolf Jane had accidentally called. Jane attacked first going for Jay's weak-spot, her back legs, but hit her front legs. Jay turned sharply and Jane flew off. Jane attacked again. This time She got to her back legs. Jay fell to the ground. She turned a little bit and grabbed Jane's two tails and bit them hard. Jane winced loudly at the pain. Her tails were super sensitive. Jane lay on the ground trembling. Jay tugged at Jane's tails. She dragged Jane around by the tails. Jane howled in pain. Levi noticed Jane was powerless to Jay. He didn't like interfering with Jay and Jane but he couldn't watch Jane suffer that much pain. He sighed, took a deep breath and jumped in the cage. The crowed gasped. Levi tackled Jay. She let go of Jane's tail. Jay started attacking Levi instead. Jane tried to stand up to fight Jay off him but fell over light headed from the pain. Jane passed out. Though Levi was strong, Jay had more agility and strength in wolf form. She tore at Levi's skin. He had cuts and bite marks all over him. Hanji pulled Jay's chain so she was pulled off Levi and limited of areas of the cage she could stand. Jay growled loudly. Levi grabbed Jane. They were both bloody. Everyone left to do their own thing. Jay laid her head down as the people left. She looked up a second later to see one person still standing there. She growled. The person responded to the growl by saying, "You never give up do you." The person walked away with a small smile. Jay wasn't human. She couldn't control herself now so she didn't understand who the person was. She remembered the smile though. The smile of Jean Kirstein 

Jay wouldn't eat. She didn't get much sleep. Ever since Farlan's death she wasn't her normal happy self. Her short, strawberry-blonde hair was always pulled back. She hadn't smiled since his death. One day, before training Levi saw Jay sitting at a seat, alone. He watched her for a moment. His gaze was disturbed by the girl. The girl he had saved in the form the last mission, Jane. She sat down across from Jay. Whatever she said made Levi happy. Jayden smiled at the words. Jay actually smiled.Jane lay on the infirmary bed. Levi had healed, but still had scars. Light glows through her window. Her eyes slowly opened. "You should have stopped me." A voice from across the room said. Jane's eyes widened. She thought she was alone. Jane sat up quickly only to see a familiar figure. Jay stood there as she pulled her strawberry-blonde hair back into a ponytail. "Jay you didn't have control, don't worry." Jane replied. Jay mumbled, "You should have told Levi that." Jay rubbed a purple and black mark on her cheek. "What did he do." Jane rolled her eyes. "A 'Nice ol' slap to the face." Jay spat as she crossed her arms. Jane couldn't hold it in, she laughed hard. Jane got up and got dressed. They both went down to breakfast. Levi was sitting in a chair as Hanji talked his ear off. Jane almost fell when they were walking down the hall, so Jay had her arm around her. Levi looked up to see them both, he sprung up and went to help Jane. "Your up." he said. "We would have been here earlier but I helped Jay get ice on her bruise." She gave a hard look at him. He looked down at his feet, knowing that Jane had learned about Jay's slap. "Sorry." He said so that only Jane would hear. Jane's eyes sharpened. He sighed and looked at Jay, "I'm sorry Jayden." Jay smirked. She loved it when she got the best of him.

Jay remembered it all too well. Farlan's death replayed in her mind over and over. She couldn't sleep. It was late and everyone else was asleep. Jay crept out of the room, making sure not to wake Jane. She tiptoed down the hall to a dark door. She knocked lightly on it. To her surprise, it opened. The sharp eyes sharpened even more. The figure stepped aside and let Jay in. Jay hopped on the couch and held her pillow tight. "Can you tell me a story?" Jay asked. The figure replied, "Fine. What do you want to hear tonight." Jay took a minute to think. "I don't know. You pick, Levi."

As they all got food and headed to their seats. A high pitched scream for help came from the distance. So far, that only Jay and Jane could hear it. Jane tried to run but almost fell from pain. "I got it," Jay said as she turned into a wolf to hear the scream better and run faster. She ran down the hall and burst out the door. She ran out of the training area to a tree a hundred meters away. She turned back human and looked up. "Jacklyn?" She asked the girl in the tree. "Jay, I can't get down," Jacklyn said as she held onto the branch above her. "Jump, I'll catch you." Jacklyn was hesitant but eventually jumped. Jay caught her. Jay put her down and turned into an albino horse. Jacklyn got on and they rode back. As they reached the door. Jacklyn got off and Jay turned back. Jay went to open the door but Jacklyn stopped her. A snake was slithering next to them. Jacklyn shut her eyes and jumped into Jay's arms. She looked like a princess. Jay opened the door and went down the hall quietly. Jacklyn had her eyes closed tight. Jay walked to the dining hall. Everyone stared at them. Jacklyn asked, "Is the snake gone yet?" "yes," Jay replied. Jacklyn opened her eyes and looked around. Her face turned bright red noticing that everyone in the scouting regimen was watching her be held like a baby and her acting like a baby. Even Eren's face turned red. Jacklyn watched has his face as it did so. She looked back at Jay, who, of course, had a sneaky, evil little smile.

Levi told her the story of how he came to live as a scout with no training. At the end of the story, she was fast asleep on the old couch. Levi really didn't mind telling her stories to get her to sleep. It had helped him too. Though he would never admit that to her or anyone. It did trouble him to sleep for long amounts of time. This made it better.

                                                                           {This is Jacklyn}

                                                                           {This is Jacklyn}

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