Chapter 10

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 Sorry its a bit late but I was on a well-needed vacation while Editor Chan sat around doing nothing. I don't even need her to add a "yes" I know she did nothing. And ya sorry this story is just getting cringier and way more terrible so bye.

[ A little while later. Ymir was found as a titan shifter. Reiner and Bertolt came out as the Armored and Colossal titans. Eren in Titan form attacked Reiner in titan form. Eren victorious had crushed the Armored Titan. Before he was fully crushed, he let out a roar, and the Colossal titan started to fall on Eren, who was still holding Reiner.]

Armin held close to the wall. The colossal titan was falling on Eren. In the distance, there was something else. "Hanji!" Armin yelled. "The female armored titan is in the distance!" They all looked to where Armin was pointing with his sword from his 3d maneuver gear. "He called the female!" Hanji yelled. Jane squinted to see. She could tell the female armored titan wasn't happy. It was Jane's first time out back in the Scouts since Jace was born. Levi was still in Hanji's parents' home watching Jace after being injured.

Jane held Levi's hand. She was worried that Commander Erwin was going to give her hard training. She was great at killing titans and running. But hand to hand combat is Jay's stronghold.

The Female Armored Titan dropped low and slid over to Eren. She grabbed around Eren's neck and squeezed. Jane swung around the madness, swords ready and cut the back of her knees. The Female started to rock back but stayed consistent in holding Eren down. She looked Jane in the eyes.(Editor~Chan: EVEN LIKE THIS! KIIIIITH) Jane attacked other spots that were free from Armor. The Armored Titan looked up at the Female like he was telling her something.

Jane ran as a wolf around the wall boundary of Wall Maria. There had been no hole from the Colossal and Armored titans. How?

"Die you filthy monsters!" Jane yelled swinging behind the Female Armored Titan. Steam from the female told Jane that the titan body was disappearing and the real culprit would be shown. Jane could see a cape hiding the person. She was a Scout too! Jane looked closer but couldn't tell who it was. A voice spoke from the being. "Am I just a filthy monster to you?" the being sighed, " I understand. I did lie to you."

Jane slashed her sword through the decoy's neck. It was representing a titan during her training. She pulled the trigger to unlatch to the tree behind her. She shot another one to latch to the tree in front of her. She pulled the trigger twice but it would not latch to the tree. She started to fall. She let out a small scream. As she fell, Jay grabbed her right arm and Levi grabbed her left.(Editor~Chan: Husband and Girlfriend to the rescue! Author~Senpai: They aren't dating, you just ship it. )

Blood dripped down the Scout that was the Female armored titan. "Who are you?" Jane asked. "I'm sorry. But I keep my promises." She turned around to Jane. Blood still covering her. Jane stared into her eyes. Regretting the decision on attacking her. She looked longingly into Jay's eyes.

Jane looked in the mirror. She saw a strong fighter. Jane had to be.

"Jay...." Jane was close to crying. Jane grabbed the handcuffs and cuffed Jay. She put Jay on top of the wall with her. "Jayden Zoe, tell me, what happened? What is going on? Who is Reiner.... to you?" Jay sighed. She looked down at the stone of the wall.

The Colossal Titan fell on Reiner and Eren. The heat burst out. The crash caused many of the scouts to be severely injured. It knocked Jane out cold. Reiner escaped with Eren, Bertolt, and Ymir. A moment later they realized that Jay was taken with the Armored titan too.

"Jane?" a voice said. It had been an hour or two that Jane had been out. Jane slowly opened her eyes. She snapped back to reality and frantically looked for Jay. "Calm down." Armin was the one who was sitting next to her talking. "Jane, you were talking in your sleep, something about Jay and the female armored titan." Jane grabbed Armin shirt, "Armin, it's nothing." Armin pulled away, "I believe you." Armin pulls out a folded piece of paper, "This was in your shirt." He handed the note to Jane and Jane opened it and read it.

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