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Almost as soon as Sam had arrived, Felix got a call from Oscar. From the look on the boy's pale face, I could tell that it was urgent. So, when he told us to follow after him, we dropped everything.

During the short journey into the forest, Felix filled us all in on what Oscar had said to him. Apparently, he had gone against his brother's warnings and put himself in danger at Phoebe's house. He said he had touched the window of her house, but felt nothing surge from it. It wasn't so unusual, but it was disappointing for him. All he wanted was to be able to help us, but he was doing so in an incredibly dangerous way. He was alone; unsupervised with the very women we were at war with. He had told Felix that she touched him, and then something happened between them; a shared vision among their mind.

Oscar was alarmed at what he had seen, and he had every right to be.

He saw the Book of Shadows and exactly where Phoebe had hidden it, and if Oscar had seen it, then Alice had seen it, too.

He also mentioned that he was calling Felix from their house, and that he had sketched out where we needed to go. The drawing, although rushed, was extremely detailed.

Felix and I inspected the image over his phone while Jake and Sam ran off ahead of us. We had no time to waste, but we needed to know where we were going.

I felt my heart in my throat as we jogged between the trees. In a dress, I felt uncomfortable, but I had to deal with it.

Jake, a few feet in front of Sam, turned around and met me with nervous eyes. He was checking I was alright, and my assumption was confirmed when he moved his glance toward Felix and actually spoke to him. "I think we're close." I was flattered by his protectiveness, and swept past the Goth in order to meet with Sam.

Felix had slowed down at that point, but it was for a reason I couldn't comprehend. Jake told him he needed to hurry, but didn't make too much of an effort to wait for him to catch up with the rest of us.

Just ahead of us, there was a hill, and beyond that hill was where we needed to go. Felix mumbled beside me, a small whisper that made us all leap forward. "That's it." As a group, we all ran down toward the little lake they lay at the bottom of the slope. He scurried toward it, spotting the same boat that Oscar had seen in his vision and sketched out. "We need to find the tree he drew!" With that, we all parted, trying to find the right tree.

Not a moment later, Jake called out to us. "I found it! It's here." Upon first glance, I was relieved, but after really analysing the scene, I realised I should be anything but.

There was a giant hole in the ground. I was appalled to see the blanket Phoebe had used to protect the book just lying in the dirt, appearing to have been thrown back into the hole.

Jake's face, void of any emotion, turned to Felix. "What do we do now?"  

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