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"That was bad, Felix." Sam murmured, unsure of how to handle what had just happened. Obviously, he had taken a different approach than I had; nurturing and gentle, as opposed to disapproving and cold.

Felix turned on his heel, visibly irked by Sam's statement. "You don't think I know that?" He barked, glaring at the shorter boy with an aggravated fury. He then looked at me, like I knew something the other two couldn't possibly understand. "It's not like I meant for it to happen."

With that, it all clicked. He had too much power, but he didn't want to tell the boys in fear of how they'd react. I felt my eyes widen involuntarily, and the shocked expression that coated my face told Felix I knew what he had truly meant.

He wanted me to know because I was in the same boat as him; disadvantaged and unstable. I apparently also had too much power that I couldn't control, and I might never learn if we didn't pull ourselves together.

Jake scowled, seeming angrier than Sam. "Any chance of Phoebe and Alice helping us has just gone up in smoke." His words were clipped as he stormed up to Felix and away from me.

Sam turned to me, his features blank. "Literally."

Felix then stopped and turned back once again, ready to fight back just as I interrupted. "You guys need to calm down." I looked up at Jake, but he barely glanced at me for a second. "It was an accident, Jake."

Felix gestured to me in a hopeful, yet sarcastic, attempt to get Jake to see reason. "Edith is right, it could have happened to any one of us." He stated, stepping forward a little to be by my side. When Jake didn't say anything he continued, but it was a less than helpful addition. "Earthquake, anyone?"

My boyfriend backed down after that, now understanding there was no point in a lecture. He was the one with the most impact, anyhow, so that should have deterred him from scolding Felix.

There was a silence that followed, allowing for each of us to accept what had happened and at least try to move on. When Felix spoke again, he was desperate in a whole new way. Suddenly the conversation shifted to something else; Andy. "Alice is responsible for what happened to Andy. She has to be." It was unfortunate for Felix, but the two boys stared at him with guilty disbelief.

When Felix began to fumble for another reason for them to trust his word, Jake tried to soften the blow. "Maybe another spell went wrong." He tried to sell the idea, but it sounded more like a question, as his voice had acquired the higher pitching that came with asking questions.

With this, Sam openly agreed. "Yeah, she doesn't seem like an evil villain to me, dude." Felix shook his head, the frustration returning to his eyes.

"It was her. I didn't do anything wrong!"

Sam held his hand out, essentially silencing Felix's plea with a wave of his hand. "That water demon was all kinds of wrong." He said, dropping his arm and letting it fall back to his side.

Felix's face now held an abrupt clarity, like he was realising something for the first time. He made eye contact with me and flicked his tongue over his lips, deep in thought. "It was her magic..." He stopped, lifting his gaze toward the sky, and then brought it back down toward us. "If we had her Book of Shadows-"

Sam cut him off without hesitation. "She said she doesn't have it." I couldn't tell if he believed that or not, but that wasn't the issue.

"Yeah, but she wants it." Felix replied, nodding his head along with his words. "I could see that."

Jake quirked an eyebrow, not knowing where he was going with this. "Do you think Phoebe threw it out with all the other magic stuff?" He asked, to which Sam scoffed.

"Great." He said, shrugging. "So, it could be anywhere."

Felix ignored him, returning to the actual magic the book contained. "There's hundreds of spells in it; serious magic." He told us, a maddening look to his eyes. He seemed mildly obsessed, but there was nothing we could do. It was trial and error with this sort of stuff.

But, right now, this was our only chance.

"Where would we even start to look?" Sam wondered, crying out to Felix with exasperation.

As I thought about it, only one promising thought crossed my mind. "Maybe Oscar can help?"

Felix gave a hopeful smile, but it was gone in the quickest flash. Jake nodded, but it came accustomed with a shrug. Felix pulled out his phone in the next second and dialled his younger brother's number.

I prayed he could help us.

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