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I wasn't all too excited to be back out in the bush. Everything was all damp and squishy, and I hated that. I still don't know how I survived that first night out in the bush with those boys. Because I was too busy paying attention to my surroundings, and doing my best not to step in a ditch, I was lost to the few weary mumbles of conversation that lingered throughout our smaller group.


I heard Felix say my name, but I didn't look at him. I kept my gaze on my shoes and watched them slide across the grass.

The pale boy sighed. With that quiet indication, I knew he was about to carry on. "Do you think Ellen suspects something?" He asked, using a tone of high pitch that made me feel as though we all should have been genuinely threatened by his question.

I hesitated and actually thought about what he was asking me, and came up with a blank conclusion. "I... don't know." I didn't have to tell him that I knew she wouldn't suspect us of magic, because the strange release of his crumpled shoulders told me that he understood. Without realising that we had stopped walking, he continued to the pond just a few metres away from where we were standing.

"Can we just do this?" Jake was blunt in his request, storming forward to receive the water bottle from Felix. We were silent as we watched Jake fill the clear bottle with murky, brown water.

Sam turned his head to look at Felix and squinted at him. "You know, in a world of out-there plans..." He paused as Jake made his way back to us, and when his upper lip curled back it revealed the fact that he held no faith in Felix, "... this is the out-there-ist."

All Felix did was shrug.

"Sam, this is our best bet." I told him, honestly believing it myself. "It's elemental, and it's Andy."

In a simultaneous and unintentional motion, Jake, Sam, and I moved to stand a foot in front of Felix. He quivered while trying to find the desired page in his diary, and I realised that we were probably making him even more nervous than he already was. With a shaky intake of air, he calmed himself enough to begin reading. "Element of water, find your power, take your form."

Nothing happened, so Jake ushered him to go on.

"Flow again, release, reform." Unexpectedly, the water inside the bottle started to bubble. As Sam gave a small cheer, Felix re-read what he had previously just spoken. I suddenly felt completely lightheaded, and found myself leaning on Jake for support. Strangely enough, as I focused on those bubbles inside the bottle, it felt as though they were inside my own head. There was pain, and it was everywhere.

Jake noticed me, and not a second after I heard him call my name. I collapsed, crashing straight into the puddles of dirty water we were standing in, and stared up at the boys through blurry vision. My eyes shut without my intention, and I remained on the ground. 

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