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I stared at Felix with wide eyes, unsure of what my response should be. Clearly, the boys were impressed with my actions, although I had no idea what I was doing. Sam clapped once more, skipping over to me with a large grin. "Really, I did not expect that." He said, offering me a disbelieving shake of his head. "Especially when you told us you could do things with your phone."

Felix's face dropped, any trace of a smile was replaced with a shocked blankness that wasn't so foreign to us. He dug around in his bag, pulling out his hand and revealing his mobile. He held it up, his eyebrows raising in curiosity. "Can you show us what you were doing?" He asked me, gesturing for me to take the object from his grasp. I pushed it back toward his chest, silently telling him to hold it instead. The order gave him enough evidence to know that I wasn't denying his plea, so he just nodded at me.

"Okay, I don't really know what I'm doing." I announced, waving my hands around in a very low key manner. "So, don't expect any miracles." I wasn't nervous anymore, because this was something I was more familiar with. Jake and Sam took a fairly large step out of the way, probably in case something went wrong. I hoped it wouldn't, because if it did, Felix would be the victim as he was holding the object I was trying to practice with. I took a deep breath, letting my arms fall limply to my sides as I clenched my fists. I felt it wasn't something I had to do in order for the magic to work, but it was just a strange reflex I'd acquired. Felix had the phone resting on his palm with the screen facing down onto his skin. He knew it was the torch I was trying to work with, and its current position would make it easier for us to see it glow. My gaze was suddenly narrowed as I felt the magical energy pull toward Felix's phone, and the sensation felt slightly duller than the other times I'd tried to experiment. The flash of light emitting from the mobile brought the group into a thicker silence, because it was working. The phone even vibrated, an unexpected occurrence. I gasped at the little buzzing sound, my eyes meeting Felix's wide ones. I was no longer trying to make it work, because I knew it wouldn't stop for a few more seconds.

"Woah!" Sam and Andy shouted in unison, their exclamation being voiced right behind my ears. After another second of observing, the phone stopped crawling in Felix's hand, and the torch deactivated. "Cool." Sam noted, congratulating me with a playful nudge to my back.

"How did you do that?" Jake asked me, creeping closer. His eyes were focused on the phone, it was like he was waiting for something else to happen. Then, he finally looked at me, and I sent him a wink.

"I just used the power of my mind." I said, a smirk tugging at the corners of my lips. He chuckled, but didn't speak. I looked back to Felix, who was now staring at me with tight eyes. "What?" I asked him, suddenly self-conscious.

"Electrical manipulation." Andy said, making me turn around. He was still standing behind me, and his eyes were also narrowed. It wasn't the same as Felix, they were quite the opposite. Felix seemed to be trying to figure something out, whereas Andy looked to have already found out the relevant information. Felix just nodded, his silence allowing Andy to continue. "Edith, that's incredible." Then he moved his eyes to Felix, no longer talking to me. "Should she be able to do that?" He asked the Goth.

Felix shrugged, because it didn't seem to matter if I should or shouldn't. I already had, and nobody knew why. "We must have underestimated her power." He mumbled, never taking his eyes off me. His stare was staring to get a little too intense for my liking, but I didn't ever say anything in case it ruined his train of thought. Finally, his face softened, and his posture slumped. The tired expression he modelled made me believe that we were done for the day, and what he said next confirmed my mental notion. "We'll have to work on it, there's no way we're ready for a Restoring Demon." He said, shaking his head as he moved to turn around. He started toward the shack, mumbling under his breath. "We need to come up with a plan."

Andy also spun on his heels, following Felix with his eyes. "We could help." He informed, brushing the wet hair from his vision. The Goth scoffed, turning to look at the boy with a masked disbelief.

"Yes, you could." He spat, now yelling at the boy. Andy seemed taken aback by his tone of voice, but didn't seem to want to interrupt Felix's short speech. "No more talk of alternative universes and magical wormholes." The teen warned, his anger causing him to shake slightly. "That would help, it would help heaps." With that last hateful comment, Felix stomped inside the shack and slammed the door. I had no idea what he was going to do in there, but I couldn't imagine it was anything I wanted to participate in. His words were so final, and judging from the obvious upset expression that we all tried to hide, we understood that we shouldn't cross him.

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