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Felix was sat down on a log when we found him, staring off into the distance like he was deep in thought. We all nodded simultaneously, but Sam was the one who actually had the note. There was this proud smirk on his face as he passed it to the Goth, who practically snatched it out of his friend's hands.

"This is so weird." Felix noted, turning the paper around in his grasp.

"Andy brought it all the way home from the other universe." Jake told him, a stern look on his face. Sam looked up to him, and now a content smile occupied his lips.

"He's really into Ellen, isn't he?" He mused. More supportive statements flew from his mouth, as he didn't seem to register the fresh tension in the air. Felix had dropped his head in shame, not even bothering to study the pink page anymore.

Jake nudged Sam. "Way to rub it in."

Sam, clearly still not understanding, knitted his eyebrows together in confusion. "Rub what in?" At that point, I was willing to slap him again. He was so oblivious to anything if it wasn't about him, and that was something he needed to fix. Finally, he turned his head to Felix, taking in the crushed expression on his face. He then stammered out an apology, after taking his time to figure things out.

"Felix, do you think this'll work?" I asked him, crossing my arms over my chest. He seemed torn, like he believed it would and wouldn't at the same time. He hesitated when trying to speak, closing him mouth as soon as he'd opened it. "We haven't got anything else." I pressed, my voice growing in volume.

"We can try, but I can't be sure that this is gonna bring him back." He told me, an uncertain tone to his words. His pessimism was beginning to annoy me, and I think he could read it on my face.

He crouched down suddenly, laying his diary open on the thick grass. The spell was written in messy handwriting, and the letters were scratched into the page like he was afraid it was going to rub off. With hard, regretful features, Felix ripped the note in two. He was then met with confused glares and anxious shouts of protest from the rest of us, who weren't able to do anything.

"Jesus, Felix." I moaned, cradling my head in my hands. I wasn't even sure if he heard me, because Sam was doing most of the talking. He frowned sadly, staring down at the jagged pieces of paper while speaking aggressively.

"Andy's gonna freak!" He exclaimed. "Are you crazy?" Felix ignored him, keeping his eyes down. I think we all felt a little betrayed, but that feeling wasn't anything new when it came to Felix.

He raised his open palm over the remnants of Andy's love letter, and began to chant the spell. "Elements that speak as one, recant their voice, their will undone." There was only an eerie silence that followed, so he repeated himself, but with more purpose in his voice. I turned my head up at the sky, almost expecting Andy to come tumbling down, but there was nothing but the same clear blue.

"Are you sure you're saying it right?"

Felix didn't answer Jake's question, just stared up into the trees through squinted eyes. A groan left Sam's mouth, and he stood up, apparently finished with this part of the plan. Jake followed him, almost right away, but I wasn't ready to give up until Felix did. He met my gaze with the same sorrowful emotion, and shook his head.

"Maybe we should talk to Phoebe." The Goth suggested, a shrug rolling off his shoulders as we both moved to stand. The sceptical glares that were sent his way were enough for him to want to elaborate, try to persuade them of this new mission. "She knows more about magic than any of us." He added, closing his diary with a sharp thud.

"She doesn't want anything to do with us, remember?" Sam countered, mumbling his reply. He had a point, but I don't think that Felix really cared. There was this crazed look in his eyes, like he thought we could do anything.

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