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Unlucky for us, Oscar didn't answer all five of Felix's phone calls, so we went back to the school to look for him. It was risky, but it was our best bet.

We got there between classes, which made it easy for us to sneak back in and act as if we hadn't ever left.

Felix, almost instantly, spotted Ellen scurrying around in the hall. He called out to her, chasing after her without much joy. I was worried he was going to blow it with Ellen. After all, if Sam and Mia's relationship was any example, these magical secrets would put an early end to their brewing romance. "Have you seen Oscar?"

"Not since before lunch." She said, offering him a light shrug and a shake of her head. She looked excited, like she had other news. She addressed all of us as she spoke, not just relaying the information to Felix. "Did you hear? They found Andy!"

Felix's whole face fell; it was like his whole world had just turned upside down. "What?" He could barely get the word out.

Ellen nodded as we all shared confused glances. "Someone phoned in a sighting." She told us, a hopeful lilt to her voice.

Sam, although trying to remain inconspicuous in front of Ellen, leaned in close to Felix's ear. "Is that possible?" He asked, a slight fear settling over his features.

It took the Goth a moment, but he finally replied. "Let's hope so." He mumbled, giving a small nod to show he was pleased. I saw right through it; it was an act he was putting on for Ellen.

Jake grabbed my hand as he started to sneak away from the group, trying to discreetly pull me along with him. "We should get to class." He said, with both Sam and Felix overhearing. I assumed he had wanted to talk about what had happened between himself and Dylan, and I was thankful for that, but now clearly was not the time, as Sam quickly dashed over to us with Felix not long behind him.

I saw Ellen grab him as he tried to leave her, but even after looking at her, Felix kept backing away. "I need to talk to you." She tried to talk in low murmurs, but we could still hear her clearly enough.

Felix sighed, but didn't halt his movements. "I'm sorry." He said, a new sadness falling across his pained face. "I can explain."

Ellen scoffed. "Can you? Like, right now?" She quipped, all sass.

"Not right now." He said, hanging his head. I could see an apology hidden in there somewhere.

At that, Ellen rolled her eyes and began to turn away. "Didn't think so."

After she had walked off, we were free to talk about what we really thought was going on. Sam was the first to say anything. "Do you really think they found Andy?" He appeared even more confused than earlier; it was like he didn't know what to believe.

I tried not to get my hopes us, even though I already expected Felix to say no.

He did.

"Absolutely not." The boy deadpanned.

My heart sank a little, but I didn't allow for the emotion to rise to my face.

With a sudden subject change, Jake interrupted. "What about the old bins behind the magic shop?" He suggested, an optimistic glint in his blue eyes. "If Phoebe said she threw all that stuff away, maybe that's where the book is!"

Sam seemed unsure, and it showed on his expression. "Can it be that easy?" He questioned, turning to Felix for the answers.

The only response he gave was spinning on his heel and running out the nearest exit. Jake was onto something, and he knew it.

Even if it wasn't there, we had to try. 

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