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3 decades plus 5 years
I turned on the 22nd of September
For years, before I got ill
I didn't want to get older

I'm thankful for everyday
I'm still getting used to saying
What a number!

What a way I spent my special birthday
3 different celebrations
One bigger then the next
My actual day was quiet

My mom bought me 3 dozen red roses
A dolphin and champagne balloons
My present was a facial that
I desperately needed

We ate at home
Nothing special, at first
Then went to a quiet bar in the evening
For dinner and drinks
My favorite place

The Hyatt Regency Arboretum
So relaxing was that day
I didn't want anymore
For I knew what was to come

The following Thursday
Was my mom's birthday
And together we went for dinner
On top of the world
The observatory was first
On the 102nd floor of
One World Trade Center

The restaurant was on the 103rd
With the memorial, museum, Oculus
And the rest of Manhattan at our feet
We were in the sky
The lights of the greatest city in the world
At night was simply breathtaking

I came home with 135 photos to share
As well as walking up to my friend
The Surviver Tree and saying hello
It was peaceful and heavenly for us both

Last but not least
My two friends treated me to dinner & dancing
In NYC just two days later
At my favorite restaurant
And one of our favorite dance clubs

We were Charlie's Angels
Getting our groove on while dancing
Salsa at the club
Sometimes with each other
Other times with partners

It's 5 days later and my legs still ache
That means it was a marvelous time
The presents I got, the cards they wrote
Were thoughtful and beautiful
With me in mind

I am blessed to have so many amazing people
In my life
The heartfelt international messages through Wattpad, Facebook, LinkedIn, WhatsApp,
Phone and text
Left me embraced in love

That is how I want to start and continue
Blessed and embraced in love

My Warrior Path (Book 6)Where stories live. Discover now